
Showing posts from July, 2010

html - safari - different calculation div percent -

i have 2 divs column. problem is, right div higher left div. why? want work percent. i have problem in safari i hope can me. don't understand problem. <!doctype html> <html lang = "de"> <head> <meta charset = "utf-8"> <link rel = "stylesheet" href = "./css/smartphone/480.css" media = "screen , (min-device-width: 1px) , (max-device-width: 480px)"> <link rel = "stylesheet" href = "./css/smartphone/1024.css" media = "screen , (min-device-width: 481px) , (max-device-width: 1024px)"> <link rel = "stylesheet" href = "./css/desktop/desktop.css" media = "screen , (min-device-width: 1025px)"> </head> <body> <div id = "links"> <div style = "height:20%; background-color:#ececec;"> </div&g

javascript - How to Create JS Object from string -

i have string value (according console.log()): j:{"address":"north road 34 ","zip":"00002 ","state":"texas ","city":"dallas ","country":"us"} i dont know why starts letter 'j', interested in inside it. have tried json.parse() throws error: 'unexpected token: 'j'. the eval() solution doesn't seems work either , throws 'unexpected token: ':' thank you! well... explanation shouldn't start j: since it's invalid json, (probably because of bug). you can fix string make valid removing invalid prefix json string. var obj = json.parse(yourstring.replace(/^j:/, ''));

python - Grouping Data into Clusters Based on DataFrame Columns -

i have dataframe (df) resembles following: a b 1 2 1 3 1 4 2 5 4 6 4 7 8 9 9 8 i add column determines related cluster based upon values in columns , b: a b c 1 2 1 3 1 4 2 5 3 1 3 2 4 6 4 7 8 9 b 9 8 b note since 1 (in a) related 2 (in b), , 2 (in a) related 5 (in b), these placed in same cluster. 8 (in a) related 9 (in b) , therefore placed in cluster. to sum up, how define clusters based upon pairwise connections pairs defined 2 columns in dataframe? you can view set consolidation problem (with each row describing set) or connected component problem (with each row describing edge between 2 nodes). afaik there's no native support this, although i've considered submitting pr adding utility tools. anyway, like: def consolidate(sets): # setlist = [s s in sets if s] i, s1 in enum

continuous integration - Is it possible to trigger dependent job in Jenkins BEFORE main job starts? -

there few jobs: a , b , others. a depends b , i.e a job triggers b one, no vice versa. a , b cannot run simultaneously. so, problem jobs lock each other: a waits while b finished, when b can't start, because a started (is waiting completion of b ). is possible trigger b job before a job starts? up- , downstream features , found plugins can't solve issue. other jobs can start b job too. of jobs have not artifact dependencies. any ideas? try parameterized trigger plugin post build action -> trigger parametrized build on other project

java - MySql Azure in android? -

i writing application android . there need create database . there mysql database in ms azure. here's how record data application , read them not know. you might want take @ azure mobile services. it's service let expose database thru rest api (among other other things). here's link getting started page:

jquery - Bootstrap form-control class conflicting with Knockout databind -

i'm experiencing weird bug ie10 , doesn't happen in chrome or firefox. the bug when use form-control bootstrap combine on pair of parent-child select elements knockout data binding, child select takes forever refresh. if mouse on child element, refreshes right away. here's js reproduce it. try browse link ie10 , change value in first select , second select not refresh unless wait long time or mouse on second select . but if not use form-control class select elements, problem goes away in link . html <label for="cats">categories</label> <select id="cats" data-bind="options: availablecats, optionstext: 'name', value: selectedcat, event: {change: populateitems}" class="xform-control"></select> <label for="items">items</label> <select id="items" data-bind="options: availableitems, optionstext: 'name', value: selecteditem" class=&quo

Excel VBA Formatting of Text -

i have code printing text given set of cells shown below: 'sample sheets("sheet1").range("a11") = "b. test samples" sheets("sheet1").range("b12") = "ss" sheets("sheet1").range("c12") = "part no." sheets("sheet1").range("c12:h12").merge sheets("sheet1").range("c12:h12").horizontalalignment = xlcenter sheets("sheet1").range("i12") = "valve code" sheets("sheet1").range("i12:m12").merge sheets("sheet1").range("i12:m12").horizontalalignment = xlcenter sheets("sheet1").range("n12") = "type" sheets("sheet1").range("n12:p12").merge sheets("sheet1").range("n12:p12").horizontalalignment = xlcenter sheets("sheet1").range("q12") = "ta/sealed" sheets("sheet1").range("q12:t12"

memory - MIPS program to replicate itself? -

how can create mips program such in main function prints out version1 , copies entire code memory , finaly executes copied version. copied version of code must print version2. cannot add in data section other version1 , version2. how copy entire code memory , execute it? i've never done before don't know start. .data version1: .asciiz "this version1" version2: .asciiz "this version2" main: li $v0, 4 la $a0, version1 syscall #(how copy code , execute it?????) the ability self modify code dependent on environment of execution. mars option can enabled. code assume little endianness data memory (no assumption code memory). what professor want this: that recognize la pseudo instruction made of ori , lui correctly count instruction copied four. that reserve space in program flow 4 instructions using nop . that recognize instruction format edit operands. the copy process simple. can aided assembler cle

How to use generics to combine duplicate methods with a parameter that has different Java Collections containing the same class type? -

the below 2 methods have exact same code underneath. there way decrease code duplication using java generics here combine them single method? public static list<string> convert(list<magic> magicstrings); note, realmlist<e> extends list<e> . public static list<string> convert(realmlist<magic> magicstrings); if 2 methods have exact same code, there no point in keeping method more specific parameter. remove convert method takes realmlist . code wants call convert , realmlist or other kind of list , can use convert method takes list .

Azure API Managment - Configure operations through Code -

in azure api management, can create operations through portal. see below link. is there anyway configure operations through c#/code instead of portal? regards, pratik we have rest apis powershell cmdlets.

python - Plotting a histogram with Matplotlib -

for reason following line doesn't work: plt.hist(diamonds.price) the following, however, work diamonds.price.hist() diamonds dataframe, why can't plot using pyplot. thanks. as stated on pandas help , the plot method on series , dataframe simple wrapper around plt.plot(): the plot needs know pandas’s data structures , dataframe.hist() extract in correct manner. if want plot using matplotlib, need extract data dataframe, like, import numpy np import matplotlib.pyplot plt import pandas pd dates = pd.date_range('1/1/2000', periods=8) df = dataframe(np.random.randn(8, 4), index=dates, columns=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']) plt.hist(df.values) although, may not plot data in same way using pandas plot methods have discarded tabular data structure.

ruby on rails - 'method not found' after using controller decorator -

i'm trying add feature spree admin page resend shipment email. i'm getting error, actionview::template::error (undefined method `resend_shipment_email_admin_order_url' #<#<class:0x0000000668cf80>:0x00000006683700>): 16: </ul> 17: 18: <%= button_link_to spree.t('resend order email'), resend_admin_order_url(@order), method: :post, icon: 'email' %> 19: <%= button_link_to spree.t('resend shipment email'), resend_shipment_email_admin_order_url(@order), method: :post, icon: 'email' %> 20: </div> 21: <% end %> 22: </div> here decorator, app/controllers/spree/orders_controller_decorator.rb, spree::admin::orderscontroller.class_eval before_action :load_order, only: [:edit, :update, :cancel, :resume, :approve, :resend, :resend_shipment_email, :open_adjustments, :close_adjustments, :cart] def resend_shipment_e

How can I use COUNT and DISTINCT in MYSQL to create a separate count for each distinct value? -

i have list of cities , counties in mysql each represent unique datapoint. want run query count how many times each different county appears. example: city state county chantilly virginia fairfax chantilly virginia fairfax reston virginia fairfax leesburg virginia loudon ashburn virginia loudon manassas virginia prince william should result in: county count fairfax 3 loudon 2 prince william 1 select county, count(county) count table group county;

python - DataFrame read from excel (all sheets) not recognizing index and columns -

i wrote following code ( see 2) below) extract , manipulate data excel file looks following way: 1) excel file content, in each sheet: time f1 f2 f3 41030.00069444 -83.769997 29.430000 29.400000 41030.00138889 -84.209999 28.940001 28.870001 41030.00208333 -84.339996 28.280001 28.320000 2) code: raw_data = pd.read_excel(r'/users/linnkloster/desktop/results/01_05_2012 raw results.xls', skiprows=1, header=0, nrows=1440, dayfirst=true, infer_datetime_format='%d/%m/%y %h') raw_data[u'time']= pd.to_datetime(raw_data['time'], unit='d') raw_data.set_index(pd.datetimeindex(raw_data[u'time']), inplace=true) print raw_data ave_data = raw_data.resample('h', how='mean') i'm running 2 issues: i) need read in data all sheets in excel file (all of have same format shown above, different column names). when add sheetnames=none input pd.rea

r - Rbind, having data frames within data frames causes errors? -

i have data.frame in turn contains data.frames, using rbind on 2 identical sets (e.g rbind(k,k) ) of data throws error: error in, rows, new.rows) : number of items replace not multiple of replacement length below structure of object data. > str(k) 'data.frame': 25 obs. of 18 variables: $ location :'data.frame': 25 obs. of 5 variables: ..$ address :'data.frame': 25 obs. of 1 variable: .. ..$ streetaddress: chr "astrakangatan 110a" "västmannagatan 85c" "doktor abelins gata 6" "standarvägen 1" ... ..$ position :'data.frame': 25 obs. of 2 variables: .. ..$ latitude : num 59.4 59.3 59.3 59.3 59.3 ... .. ..$ longitude: num 17.8 18 18.1 18 18 ... ..$ namedareas:list of 25 .. ..$ : chr "hässelby" .. ..$ : chr "vasastan" .. ..$ : chr "södermalm" .. ..$ : chr "gamla Älvsjö" .. ..$ : chr "fruän

sql - How to properly design statuses table -

this question more best approch desgin table contains statuses of proccess in system. i have proccess can in status: init, waiting price approve, sent, accepted,finished status can forward 1 step @ time or 1 step @ time, meaning init can't jump sent without passing throu waitig price approve . i designed following table ( postgresql doesn't matter question): create table status ( id serial primary key, name text not null, backid integer, forwardid integer, constraint id_pkey primary key (id) constraint backid_fkey foreign key (id) references status(id) match simple on update no action on delete no action constraint forward_fkey foreign key (id) references status(id) match simple on update no action on delete no action ) which basicly means: id name backid forwardid 1 init 2 2 waiting price approve 1 3 3 sent 2 4 4 accepted

ios - How to resolve symbol name conflict in a Cocoa touch framework -

i developed cocoa touch framework , having problems third party static framework classes embedded inside of it. the problem symbol collisions when consumer projects use framework , import third party static framework framework uses. i want remove these classes framework since conflicting host project classes (they use same third party framework) , somehow tell framework rely on main project third party framework (i instruct devs import framework), or alternatively add prefix these classes when hosting projects embed framework , use same third party framework own framework won't symbol collisions any or direction welcomed! cocoapods can resolve problem duplicate symbols. below provided detailed explanations how make happen: definitions let's make definitions simpler explanations: myframework - framework developing. myapplication - application uses myframework . otherframework - third-party framework used in myframework , myapplication . problem

objective c - custom search bar using UISearchController in iOS 8 -

i have custom search bar class, , used interface builder insert search bar instance of custom class. how use search bar search bar uisearchcontroller? searchbar property read-only can't assign search bar it. you have set initialized custom search bar returned in overriden search bar getter custom uisearchcontroller class , setup properties after searchcontroller init, way uisearchcontroller functionality retained: public class dsearchcontroller: uisearchcontroller { private var customsearchbar = dsearchbar() override public var searchbar: uisearchbar { { return customsearchbar } } required public init?(coder adecoder: nscoder) { super.init(coder: adecoder) } override init(nibname nibnameornil: string?, bundle nibbundleornil: nsbundle?) { super.init(nibname: nibnameornil, bundle: nibbundleornil) } public init(searchresultscontroller: uiviewcontroller?, searchresultsupdater: u

ios - How to call the button action depend upon the tag in uiTableView? -

i have button in single cell , set tag button. button uparrow creation: uibutton *btn_uparrow=[[uibutton alloc]initwithframe:cgrectmake(500, 20, 50, 50)]; [btn_uparrow settitle:@"up" forstate:uicontrolstatenormal]; btn_uparrow.backgroundcolor =[uicolor blackcolor]; [btn_uparrow addtarget:self action:@selector(btn_up_arrow:) forcontrolevents:uicontroleventtouchupinside]; [btn_uparrow settag:indexpath.row]; [cell addsubview:btn_uparrow]; uparrow button action method -(void)btn_up_arrow:(uibutton*)click { i++; nslog(@"increment %d",i); if(i>=5) { nslog(@"button increment %d",i); i--; } } when click button in separate cell increment continue on previous data. please use following code. nsinteger tagval = (uibutton*)click.tag; and check tagval variable value.

ruby on rails - Is there any performance improvement migrating from a Hobby dyno to a unique Standard-1X dyno on Heroku? -

apparently both have same hardware specs. "faster builds" , "preboot" features (available on standard dynos only) seem have impact on deploys. as general performance, correct assume both hobby , standard-1x dynos perform equally or missing something? just received official position heroku support: "as far runtime goes 1x, free, hobby , standard-1x dynos identical. have same ram, vcpu , ulimit restrictions."

ruby - NoMethodError in Rails when creating a new instance of model -

i have model depends model, have specified in routes.rb file rails.application.routes.draw resources :events resources :guests :whereabouts end devise_for :users, :controllers => { registrations: 'registrations' } models/event.rb : class event < activerecord::base belongs_to :user has_many :guests end models/guest.rb : class guest < activerecord::base belongs_to :event end when access http://localhost:3000/events/2/guests/ works when access http://localhost:3000/events/2/guests/new get undefined method `guests_path' #<#<class:0x00000004074f78>:0x0000000aaf67c0> from line #1 of views/guests/_form.html.erb file is <%= form_for(@guest) |f| %> <% if @guest.errors.any? %> <div id="error_explanation"> <h2><%= pluralize(@guest.errors.count, "error") %> prohibited event being saved:</h2> <ul> <% @guest.errors.full_messages.eac

r - Non-uniform `shift`ing: leads/lags with multiple within-period&ID observations -

the use of shift well-documented way lead , lag values of variables, i'm struggling extending logic situation have multiple observations within each period or ids. example: dt<-data.table(id=rep(1:2,c(6,3)), pd=rep(rep(1:3,2),c(1:3,1,1,1)), firm=c(rep(c("01","02"),c(4,2)), c("04","05","06"))) the basic approach wrong: dt[,paste0("firm_",c("lag","lead")):= .(shift(firm),shift(firm,type="lead")),by=id] > dt id pd firm firm_lag firm_lead 1: 1 1 01 na 01 2: 1 2 01 01 01 3: 1 2 01 01 01 4: 1 3 01 01 02 #all lags should 01 id 1 in pd 3 5: 1 3 02 01 02 #all leads should na id 1 in pd 3 6: 1 3 02 02 na 7: 2 1 04 na 05 8: 2 2 05 04 06 9: 2 3 06 05 na my current workaround self

java - How it is working bool = DBConnection.getFTPConnection().storeFile(hostDir, input); -

i using method store file.from computer server when use facing exception. 1. software caused connection abort: recv failed 2. software caused connection abort: socket write error 3. ioexception caught while copying. don't how solve that. please me try catch exception more details: try { bool result = dbconnection.getftpconnection().storefile(hostdir, input); system.out.println("upload: " + result); } catch (copystreamexception ex) { system.out.println("copystreamexception: " + ex.getmessage()); system.out.println("totaly transfered " + ex.gettotalbytestransferred() + " bytes."); system.out.println("inner ioexception: " + ex.getioexception().getmessage()); } this can find cause of issue.

php - Editing google contacts and adding new google contacts through codeigniter application -

good afternoon, have created page can import google contacts , display them using oauth2. have used google-api-php-client this. can contacts' details , display them. however, main goal able edit google contacts' details , add new google contacts codeigniter application based on particular user actions. want know functions need write , in corresponding views. please me. thank in advance. code: <?php error_reporting(e_all); ini_set("display_errors", 1); session_start(); ?> <!doctype html> <html class="no-js" lang="en"/> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" /> <title>google contacts api</title> </head> <body> <h2>google contacts api v3.0</h2> <?php require_once 'lib/google-api-client/autoload.php'; require 'lib/google-api-client/config.php'; require 'lib/google

json - Decoding a jpeg in Android -

i have json data viewing url. there many json objects in json array, 1 of jpeg image. i send image listview in android app. right have image json object linked private static final string tag in java file. however, realize must decode image or receive error of: unable decode stream: , resolveuri failed on bad bitmap uri. i in long , ongoing search understand how decode json jpeg image, of such research taken place viewing posts on website please not mark duplicate question. public class jsonbuilderactivity extends listactivity { private progressdialog pdialog; //url json private static string url = ""; //json node names private static final string tag_cars = "cars"; //root private static final string tag_carid = "carid"; private static final string tag_carvin = "carvin"; private static final string tag_img= "carmainimage"; jsonarray carid = null; //i

r - variance-covariance HAC matrix - Bootstrap -

i realized bootstrap on data, when want print variance-covariance hac matrix, result bit chaotic: tbs <- tsbootstrap(u, nb= 199, b=8, type=c("block")) #bootstrap on residuals ytbs = tbs fmtbs <- lm(ytbs ~ x1 + x2 + x3) covhactbs <- neweywest(fmtbs, lag = 10, prewhite= false, sandwich = true) the data generated rnorm(n) , assume presence of autocorrelation. have distinct var-covar hac matrices each bootstrap, because need perform wald test on each of them. how can fix this? your code estimates single multivariate linear model object simultaneously 199 bootstrap responses created. if want perform inferences on each replication can loop on in for(i in 1:199) or lapply(1:199, function(i) ...) approach or so. each model be fmtbs <- lm(ytbs[,i] ~ x1 + x2 + x3) coeftest(fmtbs, vcov = neweywest(fmtbs, lag = 10, prewhite= false, sandwich = true)) or similar. details depend on want store. as have fixed lag , use noe prewhite ning, standard err

php - Why counter resets when I click on other link? -

i have define counter in while loop , initialized outside loop. i have echo counter in loop itself. when have 50 record on first page displays 1 25. problem on second page start again 1, not should work: start 26 50. here code: <?php //show records $query = mysqli_query($con,"select table2.col2 a,table1.col2 b, table1.col1 c, table1.q_url d {$statement} limit {$startpoint} , {$limit}"); $authorname=''; $count=1; while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($query)) { $output=''; $authorname =$row['a']; $url = "http://$_server[http_host]$_server[request_uri]"; $url=explode('/',$url); ?> <div class="record round"><?php echo $count;$output .='<a href="http://localhost/quotes/'.$url[5].'/'.$row['d'].'.html">'; echo $output .=$row['b'].&#

ios - How to add an index to an NSMutableArray based on value in another array? -

i've looked @ lots of questions ns(mutable)arrays. guess not grokking concept, or questions don't seem relevant. what i' trying following: incoming array 1: name code start time end time etc incoming array 2 code ordinal what want: ordinal name code start time end time etc this code @ present: int i=0; (i=0; < stationlistarray.count; i++) { nsstring *slcodestring = [stationlistarray[i] valueforkey:@"code"]; nslog(@"slcodestring: %@", slcodestring); int j=0; (j=0; j< linesequencearray.count; j++) { nsstring *lscodestring = [linesequencearray[j]valueforkey:@"stationcode"]; nslog(@"lscodestring: %@", lscodestring); if ([slcodestring isequaltostring:lscodestring]) { nslog(@"match"); nsstring *ordinalstring = [linesequencearray[j] valueforkey:@"seqnum"]; nslog(@"ordinalstring: %@", ordinalstring);

How to hook into the "close infobubble" event in HERE maps Javascript API -

i can create infobubbles using here maps javascript api - eg documentation : function addinfobubble(map) { map.set('center', new nokia.maps.geo.coordinate(53.430, -2.961)); map.setzoomlevel(7); var infobubbles = new, touch =, click = touch ? 'tap' : 'click', container = new; container.addlistener(click, function (evt) { infobubbles.openbubble(,; }, false); map.components.add(infobubbles); map.objects.add(container); addmarkertocontainer(container, [53.439, -2.221], '<div><a href=\'\' >manchester city</a>' + '</div><div >city of manchester stadium<br>capacity: 48,000</div>'); addmarkertocontainer(container, [53.430, -2.961],

identity management - Thinktecture.IdentityManager is unselected in nuget. Is still for use? - the owner has unlisted package. mean package deprecated or shouldn't used anymore. why unselected? no more in use? how can use identitymanager thinktecture identityserver3? looks beta3 version has been unlisted in favour of beta 5-4: i have update... not sure why removed 'thinktecture' package name (now identitymanager)

Python - Perform file check based on format of 3 values then perform tasks -

all, i trying write python script go through crime file , separate file based on following items: updates, incidents, , arrests. reports receive either show these sections have listed or **updates**, **incidents**, or **arrests**. have started write following script separate files based on following format **. however, wondering if there better way check files both formats @ same time? also, there not updates or arrests section causes code break. wondering if there check can instance, , if case, how can still incidents section without other two? with open('crimereport20150518.txt', 'r') f: content = print content.index('**updates**') print content.index('**incidents**') print content.index('**arrests**') updatesline = content.index('**updates**') incidentsline = content.index('**incidents**') arrestsline = content.index('**arrests**') #print content[updatesline:incidentsline] updates = co

Cairo Saved Paths with Transforms Render "Backwards" -

the below code sample in lua, intended used conky. thought compute complicated path, save it, render twice -- once filled region, again stroked path, creating outlined region. the problem saved path seems render "backwards" compared straightforward rendering. the first section creates rotated l-shape in green, appears expected. the second section attempts create same l-shape saved path, render in red. resulting path not come out rotated, since didn't call cairo_rotate() before appending path, suppose makes sense. the third section renders set of progressively rotated l-shapes in cyan, appears expected. the fourth section attempts same thing third section, time using saved paths, , rendering in yellow. paths come out going in wrong direction. my guess cairo transformation functions apply transforms unstroked path components (if any) accumulated in cairo_t context. don't quite grasp why come out "forwards" 1 way , "backwards" o

google apps script - Admin access to Domain User's Gmail? -

i'm writing auditing script focusing on users' gmails , need access message lists. have admin access , scopes adminsdk, script executed admin. i'm wondering how this? have domain's userlist via directory, can't use gmailapp specific user, current user(admin). thinking assigning timed trigger each of users , using gmailapp locally, can't figure out how either(i don't think possible). one idea i'm working on pinging gmail api using admin's credentials via urlfetchapp, can domain's users information method? what thoughts? guidance appreciated. i'm using gas on service account. while using service account, can impersonate users in domain , perform actions on behalf. need perform domain wide delegation of authority in domain. here can find documentation domain wide delegation . here can see example , know on drive principle same. hope helps.

c - what does this code mean ? -

i'm reading project , , found code, don't unterstand. #define out_pins {x2_pin, pioc, id_pioc, pio_output_0, pio_default}, \ {y2_pin, pioc, id_pioc, pio_output_0, pio_default}, \ {z2_pin, pioc, id_pioc, pio_output_0, pio_default} the program running on sam3s cortex m3 atmel . x2_pin , y2_pin , z2_pin defined . can explain o me out_pins ? out_pins macro defined 2d array values. check following example better understanding. eg: int *op[] = {out_pins } similar int *op[] = {{x2_pin, pioc, id_pioc, pio_output_0, pio_default}, \ {y2_pin, pioc, id_pioc, pio_output_0, pio_default}, \ {z2_pin, pioc, id_pioc, pio_output_0, pio_default}}

java - Issues in Implementing Karger's Min Cut Algorithm using Union-Find -

i've implemented karger's algorithm using union-find datastructure using path-compression heuristics , union rank i've run couple of issues what i've done is, run algorithm n n log(n) time estimate of answer. however, don't answer mincut. pick random edge each time has 2 members source 's' , destination 'd'. if parents not equal, merge them , reduce count of vertices, 'vcnt' equal original number of vertices. process continues until number of vertices left 2. finally, find parent of source , destination of each edge , if ont equal, increase mincut count. repeats n n log(n) times. i've tried running code lot of test data don't seem getting mincut value, large data. could me out? also, performance improvement suggestions welcome. here code: import; import; import; import; import java.util.arraylist; class kragersmincut { static