sql - How to properly design statuses table -
this question more best approch desgin table contains statuses of proccess in system.
i have proccess can in status: init, waiting price approve, sent, accepted,finished
status can forward 1 step @ time or 1 step @ time, meaning init
can't jump sent
without passing throu waitig price approve
i designed following table (postgresql
doesn't matter question):
create table status ( id serial primary key, name text not null, backid integer, forwardid integer, constraint id_pkey primary key (id) constraint backid_fkey foreign key (id) references status(id) match simple on update no action on delete no action constraint forward_fkey foreign key (id) references status(id) match simple on update no action on delete no action )
which basicly means:
id name backid forwardid 1 init 2 2 waiting price approve 1 3 3 sent 2 4 4 accepted 3 5 5 finished 4
note: there no gurenntee after 1
there 2
. in future can delete 1 of lines , might that:
id name backid forwardid 1 init 3 3 sent 1 4 4 accepted 3 5 5 finished 4
it's same behavior doubly linked list
. goal in future if there new status insrted table , won't have changes anywhere else. when client ask forward/back done automaticly new "list" of statuses.
the thing way seems bit not ellegant. insertion of new status same algoritem insertion doubly linked list
. seems work , doesn't seems proper work sql
, database abilities.
can suggest better way that?
the forwardid
not needed , think removing makes life easier (although could keep if think make queries easier).
i not define id
column serial
. want have control on ids during insert , update.
assuming table definition can query whole hierarchy including sort column using recursive common table expression:
with recursive status_tree ( select id, name, backid, 1 level status backid null union select c.id, c.name, c.backid, p.level + 1 status c join status_tree p on p.id = c.backid ) select * status_tree order level;
for sample data return:
id | name | backid | level ---+---------------------------+--------+------ 1 | init | | 1 2 | waiting ror price approve | 1 | 2 3 | sent | 2 | 3 4 | accepted | 3 | 4 5 | finished | 4 | 5
inserting new status quite easy (and point manually defined id
makes life bit easier:
-- create new status may set after 'waiting ror price approve' insert status (id, name, backid) values (6, 'partially sent', 2); -- make current 'sent' status descendant of new 1 update status set backid = 6 name = 'sent';
the above query returns following:
id | name | backid | level ---+---------------------------+--------+------ 1 | init | | 1 2 | waiting ror price approve | 1 | 2 6 | partially sent | 2 | 3 3 | sent | 6 | 4 4 | accepted | 3 | 5 5 | finished | 4 | 6
the order of status values not reflect "order" of id
if want can create view returning information.
if find next status rather looking @ of them, can flip logic , store next one:
create table status ( id integer primary key, name text not null, next_status integer references status ); insert status(id, name, next_status) values (1,'init', 2), (2,'waiting ror price approve', 3), (3,'sent', 4), (4,'accepted', 5), (5,'finished', null);
to retrieve next status requires single select
statement (no recursion).
you can still status values in correct order using cte, need reverse join condition:
with recursive status_tree ( select id, name, next_status, 1 level status id = 1 union select c.id, c.name, c.next_status, p.level + 1 status c join status_tree p on p.next_status = c.id ) select * status_tree order level;
inserting new nodes done same way backid
(just need "re-link" "other" row)
insert status (id, name, next_status) values (6, 'partially sent', 3); update status set next_status = 6 name = 'waiting ror price approve';
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