ios - How to add an index to an NSMutableArray based on value in another array? -
i've looked @ lots of questions ns(mutable)arrays. guess not grokking concept, or questions don't seem relevant.
what i' trying following:
incoming array 1:
name code start time end time etc
incoming array 2
code ordinal
what want:
ordinal name code start time end time etc
this code @ present:
int i=0; (i=0; < stationlistarray.count; i++) { nsstring *slcodestring = [stationlistarray[i] valueforkey:@"code"]; nslog(@"slcodestring: %@", slcodestring); int j=0; (j=0; j< linesequencearray.count; j++) { nsstring *lscodestring = [linesequencearray[j]valueforkey:@"stationcode"]; nslog(@"lscodestring: %@", lscodestring); if ([slcodestring isequaltostring:lscodestring]) { nslog(@"match"); nsstring *ordinalstring = [linesequencearray[j] valueforkey:@"seqnum"]; nslog(@"ordinalstring: %@", ordinalstring); [stationlistarray[i] addobject:ordinalstring]; <------ } } }
i'm logging values , return correctly. compiler doesn't last statement. error:
[__nscfdictionary addobject:]: unrecognized selector sent instance 0x7f9f63e13c30 *** terminating app due uncaught exception 'nsinvalidargumentexception', reason: '-[__nscfdictionary addobject:]: unrecognized selector sent instance 0x7f9f63e13c30'
here excerpt stationlistarray:
( { address = { city = greenbelt; state = md; street = "....."; zip = 20740; }; code = e10; lat = "39.0111458605"; lon = "-76.9110575731"; name = greenbelt; } )
nsstring *ordinalstring = [linesequencearray[j] valueforkey:@"seqnum"]; //is nsstring [stationlistarray[i] addobject:ordinalstring];//<----- trying call addobject method of nsmutablearray on nsdictionary -> not
when [stationlistarray[i]
in case (generally returns nsobject
inside nsarray
@ given index, in case nsdictionary
so in order complete desired operation: should make nsmutabledictionary
instance (in case should mutablecopy
's nsobject
, when mutablecopy
copies entire nsdictionary
, makes mutable
) make changes on , assign in stationlistarray[i]
for example:
nsmutabledictionary * tempdict = [[stationarray objectatindex:i]mutablecopy];//create mutable copy of `nsdictionary` inside `nsarray` [[tempdict setobject:ordinalstring forkey:@"ordinal"]; //in line adding ordinal `nsstring` in tempdict `nsmutabledictionary` have desired `nsmutabledictionary`. can change key whatever wish. [stationarray replaceobjectatindex:i withobject:[tempdict copy]];//swap original(old nsdictionary) new updated `nsmutabledictionary` used copy method in order replace immutable `nsdictionary`
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