
Showing posts from February, 2015

php - Maximum upload file size not reflecting to phpinfo() -

my problem when check wp-admin/media-new.php see maximum upload file size: 8 mb. change php.ini located @ /usr/lib/php.ini change upload_max_filesize 64m , post_max_size 64m. when checked wp-admin/media-new.php 'maximum upload file size: 15m' should 64m i try following doesn't it. looks limited 15m? try change post_max_size 14m reads on wp-admin/media-new.php 'maximum upload file size: 14m' looks limits 15m. restarted apache still won't work , shows 15m i checked phpinfo() , file loaded correct /usr/lib/php.ini is there settings in wordpress limiting upload file size except on network setting? no right? problem? i fixed issues. here i've learned: 1) make sure there no conflict php.ini.. checked phpinfo() , file loaded /usr/local/lib/php.ini there php.ini placed in wp-admin/ folder deleted , cause overriding setting. 2) if running multisit

jquery - Simulate mouse scroll using only Javascript -

just provide context: want simulate mouse scroll on google photos ( the page contains scroll bar portion of page (the top "search" section not have scroll bar). the following not work (but works fine scrolling on facebook, or so): window.scrollto(0, 10000000) any clues on how can simulate mouse scroll ? if aren't scrolling whole window window.scrollto not want. can scroll section of dom has style of overflow: scroll like: var scrollbox = document.getelementbyid('sectionid'); scrollbox.scrolltop = 100; // num pixels element top want scroll down which same as: $('#sectionid').scrolltop(100); you might want consider library scrolls screen in ease-in ease-out fashion, easier users follow.

java - RxAndroid - how to throw fatal exceptions after onCompleted() -

we using rxandroid + retrofit our api calls. i sort of understand why exceptions within sequence pass throwable through onerror(). but how end sequence, how process response , return throwing fatal exceptions again? have expected processing in oncompleted() allow this, i'm still seeing onerror() being called. simplified snippet below. gives result - throwable: attempt invoke virtual method 'boolean java.util.arraylist.add(java.lang.object)' on null object reference observable<responsemodel> observable = getapicallobservable(); appobservable.bindfragment(this, observable) .subscribeon(androidschedulers.mainthread()) .subscribe(new observer<responsemodel>() { @override public void oncompleted() { uninitializedlist.add("item"); } @override public

jquery - How to get and filter URL parameter -

i ask if how can , put url parameters of name, start date , end date under event , set on filter. assuming url name . , start date same link events.json/start_date_from=2015-01-01 .can have suggestions? me’s 1 week trial , error code like: <!doctype html> <html ng-app="mytable"> <head> <title>project 43</title> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var mytable=angular.module('mytable',[]); mytable.controller('tablectrl',function($scope,$http){ $http.get("", {headers: {authorization: 'vunyhxbpkfh7dxks'}}) .success(function(response) { debugger $; $scope.totals = response

java - StringIndexOutOfBounds by -3 -

i have inherited project should work. however, original coder unavailable. i'm getting stringindexoutofboundsexception . the stack trace goes line: int lserver_num = integer.parseint(motd.substring(motd.indexof("-") + 1, motd.indexof(" "))); suggestions? you trying substring value greater string's length or less 0. if provide more code, easier diagnose problem exactly. haven't, have assume. here example: string test = "123-2 "; int = integer.parseint(test.substring(test.indexof("-") + 1, test.indexof(" "))); system.out.println(i); when run it, prints out 2, no problem. if remove space string, gives me arrayindexoutofboundsexception: -5 dont know how arrives @ -5, can see string 5 characters long without space, guess defaults strings length if cant find character, maybe? from this, have ask: sure string contains blank space or hyphen ? check with if (motd.contains(" ") &&

c# - TableStorage.ReplaceUpdateEntity -

there method replaceupdateentity object of tablestorage used in azurestorage section. tried googling of might or example. brief description or link pointing towards welcome. tablestoragetestentity tablestoragetestentity = new tablestoragetestentity() { tableid = guid.newguid(), tablepurpose = "updateentity" }; string partitionkey = "31072015"; string rowkey = "0108201551"; bool result = this.tablestorage.replaceupdateentity(this.tablename, partitionkey, rowkey, tablestoragetestentity); assert.istrue(result); actually running test , test fails. understand method. the method you're looking insertorreplace . operation create entity if not exist otherwise update entity replacing of attributes new values. here's sample code: var account = new cloudstorageaccount(new storagecredentials(accountname, accountkey), true); var tablecl

Remove space when LESS variable value to string -

below example less mixin code .mixin(@option) { .set(@options) when (@options = a){ @type: linear; } .set(@option); background: -webkit-~'@{type}'-gradient(...); } the output background: -webkit- linear -gradient(...); how can remove space around linear ? less not support inplace concatenation via variable interpolation in value statements. need temporary variable (+ auxiliary variable in particular case handle parens), e.g.: @end-func: ~')'; div { @func: ~'-webkit-@{type}-gradient('; background: @func ... @end-func; }

java - Given an array of ints, which is larger between the first and last elements in the array. Return the new array -

in problem need find largest element between first , last element in array, , set other elements in array value , return new array. problem works in arrays of 3 elements. need find way have working given aaray length. have far: public int[] maxend(int[] a) { if (a[a.length-1] > a[0]) { a[0] = a[a.length-1]; a[1] = a[a.length-1]; } else { a[1] = a[0]; a[a.length-1] = a[0]; } return a; } didn't test cos i'm on mobile, works. public int[] maxend(int[] array){ arrays.sort(array); system.out.println(array[array.length - 1]); int [] results = new int[array.length]; (int = 0; < array.length; i++){ results[i] = array[array.length - 1]; } return results; }

c# - pivot application windows phone 8.1 navigation -

i developing windows phone application firm. i've manually created pivot items in basic page. application working fine except button navigation. when click on button inside pivot item navigating desired page when click button navigating pivot item 1 instead of 1 click event originated. my xaml looks this <grid x:name="contentroot"><pivot x:name="test" title="test book" fontsize="{themeresource textstyleextralargefontsize}"> <!--pivot item one--> <pivotitem x:name="pitem1" header="item1"> <grid> <grid.rowdefinitions> <rowdefinition height="auto" /> <rowdefinition height="5*" /> <rowdefinition height="5*" /> <rowdefinition height="5*" /> </grid.rowdefinitions>

ruby on rails 4 - Not able to get playlist tracks -

there few playlists in account e.g "discover weekly" or "bollywood top 50" provided spotify i'm unable fetch tracks using {user_id}/playlists/{playlist_id}/tracks api call. but if create playlist manually i'll able fetch tracks. i'm not sure awkward behavior. please me out resolve it. i find common reason why request fails request made wrong {user_id} - needs playlist's owner's username, not username of user whom you're retrieve playlists. if isn't case, please provide error message you're getting web api. read more get playlist .

android - FloatingActionButton getting covered by listview in the Fragment -

in xml below, floatingactionbutton getting covered linearlayout ll_urls2 , lv_blockedurls . below code how screenshot looks like. floatingactionbutton on top of listview - how that? <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <linearlayout xmlns:android="" xmlns:app="" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:background="@color/bg_slidingpanes" android:clickable="true" android:orientation="vertical" android:weightsum="1"> <linearlayout android:id="@+id/ll_urls2" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:background="@color/bg_slidingpanes" android:orientation="vertical" android:visibility="visible"> <listview

java - Initializing two threads with the same instance of a runnable -

is bad programming initialize 2 threads same instance of runnable? difference make initialize separate instances of runnable, , sharing memory locations @ same instance of runnable have performance? public static void main(string[] args)throws exception { h h = new h(); h h2 = new h(); thread j = new thread(h); j.setname("11"); thread jj = new thread(h);//instead of new h() jj.setname("22"); j.start(); jj.start(); } class h implements runnable { public void run() { while(true) { system.out.println(thread.currentthread().getname()); } } } it's absolutely fine long code you're running designed support that. not save memory having single instance instead of multiple instances, if threads trying communicate via shared data, may absolutely required! admittedly communicating via shared state threading gets tricky, needs done carefully, point of view of threading system itself, there'

distance - Broken fog in unity3D -

i did wrong , game looks this: @ distance should invisible (it worked before changed something) it's white , 100% visible. don't want clip camera distance because it's weird when down , buildings disappear near me. what did wrong? without fog: with fog: and how should fog:

Amazon S3 lifecycle retroactive application -

fairly straightforward question. amazon s3 lifecycle rules set applied data retroactively? if so, sort of delay might see before older data begins archived or deleted? by way of example, let's have bucket 3 years of backed data. if create new lifecycle data archived after 31 days, , deleted after 365 days, new rule applied existing data? how begin enforced? yes it's retroactive (i.e. things there , match rule). there may slight delay (i.e. rules have day granularity , run on daily basis), rules take effect immediately. depending on how data have remove/move may take while if have lot of pre-existing data. source: s3 faq here: lifecycle policies apply both existing , new s3 objects, ensuring can optimize storage , maximize cost savings current data , new data placed in s3 without time-consuming manual data review , migration. after object expiration rule added, rule applied objects exist in bucket new object

sql - Most efficient "ignore if exists" in SQLite? -

once per day, hitting api 50 recent posts forum. i'm storing information in database, 1 row per post, storing author, title, , postid. if there less 50 posts in day, there duplicate data, same posts appear twice or more. want avoid this. want "if postid exists in database, skip inserting record." i can first fetching list of postids , saving array in program, making sure postid isn't in array before inserting; seems dumb , sloppy. surely there must way in database itself. i've read little, , insert or replace works, seems it's not 'correct' solution. pose problem if wanted alter field in row -- hitting api again reset fields initial values. what's smart way this? you want insert or ignore . silently skip duplicate inserted rows, , won't modify pre-existing ones. see the on conflict clause documentation details.

c# - Writing to Windows EventLog from arbitrary source -

i'm trying write windows eventlog different sources recreate series of events on system. idea take event's xml , recreate in eventlog. far i've figured out how create simple event arbitrary provider based on source name eventlog.writeentry("service control manager", "a test message", eventlogentrytype.information, 7036, 0); that's classic log, doesn't support more advanced data structure need mimic modern log. i've tried using system.diagnostics.eventing.eventprovider.writeevent, works provider guids (i can work power-troubleshooter not service control manager example). haven't been able find on internet , i've been searching few days, helpful if knew way - in c# or not. using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.linq; using system.text; using system.diagnostics.eventing; using system.diagnostics; namespace etwdemo { class program { static void main(string[] args)

php - how to run method in model instead of controller in laravel 5.1? -

i have following method in controller: public function store() { $data=input::all(); user::create($data); } the above code works perfectly. question can run above method in model without writing in controller? , best approach? you can try following way in model public function insetuser() { $input = input::all(); user::create($input); //here instead of user,you can use self self::create($input); } in controller can public function store() { user::insetuser(); } - Need help removing li bullets in Javascript -

i creating ul in javascript , despite efforts cannot seem remove bullets list items. have following javascript: var btnul = document.createelement("ul"); = "btnul"; = "none"; document.getelementbyid("leftgutter").appendchild(btnul); document.getelementbyid("btnul").style.liststyle = "none"; and have tried add css #btnul on style sheet list-style-type no luck. doing wrong here?? placed both attempts @ changing style type in javascript demonstrate have tried approaches. have tried them both separately well. there can 1 reason why list still has bullets. , css rule using !important to force list-style-type. explains why couldn't remove bullets using css rule. first fiddle same code using. , works fine. second fiddle has css rule force bullets: ul { list-style-type:disc !important } if not reason the

c# - Programmatically get TFS blame (annotation) data -

i'm trying implement plugin team foundation server 2010 create reports users in team project. conceptually, need in order implement plugin access same data when use "annotate" feature in visual studio: need able tell last person author given line of code. i've scoured internet documentation or code samples, can find either suggestions such using tfs command-line tools or seemingly incomplete code samples . i don't mind doing lot of heavy lifting in client code, there doesn't seem obvious way useful authorship data contents of code in changeset , nor merge details return. meanwhile found working solution executes team foundation power tools process , parses output: private readonly regex m_regex = new regex(@"^(?<changeset>\d+)(?<codeline>.*)", regexoptions.compiled | regexoptions.multiline); public list<changeset> getannotations(string filepath, string codetext) { var versioncontrolserver = create

The MySQL server crashed when I try to set remote access using 'grant' -

i type commands below: mysql –u root -p grant privileges on *.* root@”%” identified “rootpassword” grant option; grant privileges on mysitedb.* root@localhost; then server crashed: could not establish database connection. please check username, password , hostname in config file, , if necessary set appropriate mysql user , privileges. change grand statement in below one, solved: mysql –u root -p grant privileges on *.* root@”%” identified “rootpassword” grant option; grant privileges on mysitedb.* root@localhost identified “rootpassword” grant option;

javascript - Modifying width and height of a div element inside an iframe - cross domain policy -

i have domain , subdomain. domain under control, subdomain pointed affiliate whitelabel website, i.e. dns points ip. want load products through iframes on domain. i understand cannot use javascript change styling due cross domain policy. want accomplish modify height , width of div deep inside iframe. using php simple load content not working, because page heavily scripted, , if doing that, framework of page appears, yet no content available. please point me practical solution? know jquery enough able replace, add styling things on same domain, iframe or not iframe. have no idea how on subdomain. can control subdomain, ie can change dns want, stop whitelabel site working. can't add headers. the postmessage function should here, provided can put own javascript code on both domains. something should work: parent var iframe = document.getelementbyid("whatever"); iframe.contentwindo

Rollback last "git pull upstream" (conflict occurs) into the old state -

i did update file , committed changes ( efe5e5d (head, master) change caption ), fired git pull upstream while upstream's code changed recently, of course caused me conflict. git show-ref efe5e5d65603419288e40b8e964aecba4626c99f refs/heads/master 879020dbcd1cf1f797577b66a9416c1007a1ad29 refs/remotes/upstream/head 20e54d8ccaa4dba7890fa5db2e89394ab33a0c81 refs/remotes/upstream/dev 879020dbcd1cf1f797577b66a9416c1007a1ad29 refs/remotes/upstream/master the conflicted file (index.html) <<<<<<< head <a href="about.html" class="btn btn-success">goto about</a> ======= <a href="about.html" class="btn btn-success">about page</a> >>>>>>> 879020dbcd1cf1f797577b66a9416c1007a1ad29 git status your branch , 'upstream/master' have diverged, , have 1 , 1 different commit each, respectively. (use "git pull" merge remote branch yours) have unmerged path

python - Improving pagination and serialization time in django rest framework -

i using listapiview render list of objects. response returns paginated results limit=50 . queryset size varies 0 few hundred thousands. what have noticed when queryset size small, api response time small. queryset size increases, api response time becomes large. is pagination culprit here? there way optimize response time listapiview s using pagination? as stated in official django documentation, querysets lazy . querysets lazy – act of creating queryset doesn’t involve database activity. can stack filters day long, , django won’t run query until queryset evaluated. also, pagination compliments queryset's laziness . therefore, culprit delay not pagination. case closed... but then? processing queryset before pagination . hits database multiple times, slowing app down. ordering @sha256 suggests. very costly queries perhaps (you can check following docs ). what faster? data access optimization solving performance problems in django orm

google chrome - Can I get the Command line information using Javascript? It is not the browser version information -

i type url chrome://version in chrome browser , can see command line information. can command line information? not browser version command line information such as command line "c:\program files (x86)\google\chrome\application\chrome.exe" --flag-switches-begin --flag-switches-end if want user agent can follow advices on answer getting user agent javascript

memory - Error: cannot allocate vector of size X Mb in R -

i have question regarding memory usage in r. running rcode on our entire database in r in loop. however, code stops @ point saying cannot allocate vector of size 325.7 mb. when looking @ task manager saw using 28gb of ram on our server. i familiar gc() function in r not seems work. e.g. code stopped working on 15th iteration, saying cannot allocate vector. however, if run 15th iteration (and nothing else) there no problem @ all. moreover, each new iteration delete dt far largest object in environment. code sample: dt <- data.table() items <- as.character(seq(1:10)) (i in items){ dt <- sample(x = 5000,replace = t) write.csv(dt,paste0(i,".csv")) gc() rm(dt) } i have feeling gc function not work in loop. correct or there other possible issues, i.e. there reasons why memory full after few iterations?

c# - foreach over DNS host addresses -

i have code: iphostentry host = null; socket sock; host = dns.gethostentry("ip.."); foreach (ipaddress address in host.addresslist) { ipendpoint ipe = new ipendpoint(address, 7777); sock = new socket(ipe.addressfamily,, protocoltype.tcp); sock.connect(ipe); if (sock.connected) { sock.sendto(encoding.utf8.getbytes("hello world"), ipe); } } this code works ok on localhost, when write vps ip, code not working, what's problem? it seem dns set incorrectly , dns.gethostentry(string) fails @ second point below. if dns server fails reverse lookup won't return hostname, dns.gethostentry(string) doesn't know , return empty address list. from msdn: the method tries parse address. if hostnameoraddress parameter contains legal ip string literal, first phase succeeds. a reverse lookup using ip address of ip string literal attempted

android - How to get media id of an instagram post? -

since instagram not allow post photo using api end points, i'm sharing photo on instagram app using android intent app. how media id of shared post? can use hidden hashtags identify particular post? if want media id shareable link, can go link. response json. response: { "provider_url": "", "media_id": "1046665049816739046_489992346", "author_name": "8crap", "height": null, "provider_name": "instagram", "title": "just goal in life work least , paid most. #8crap", "html": "<blockquote class=\"instagram-media\" data-instgrm-captioned data-instgrm-version=\"4\" style=\" background:#fff; border:0; border-radius:3px; box-shadow:0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15); margin: 1px; max-width:658px; paddin

r - Debugging 'testthat' tests in RStudio -

is possible invoke debugger in rstudio when running testthat tests? haven't been able find setup allows (various combinations of "use devtools package functions if available" in settings, hitting "test package" option in "build -> more" menu, running test() in console, putting in browser() calls, etc.) haven't found way yet. i find myself getting lost lot when testing, unsure whether code being run has been installed in system libraries (by doing 'build & reload'), or being run in situ local r directory, or - rstudio complains breakpoint can't set until package rebuilt (so suspect former) or doesn't (so suspect latter). not sure if issue closely related or not main question. without finding way drop debugger, end pasting test code console & working in ad-hoc fashion, , shooting tdd habits in foot. advice appreciated - if it's not possible invoke debugger, suggested workarounds? i'm running rstud

javascript - Meteor multiple files for schema and collections -

using meteor, possible separate collections , schemas multiple files each? each separate schema gets own file , same goes collections. there way set inside of lib directory there schemas directory multiple files each containing single schema or subset of schemas. specifically want leave of collection information in 1 file, split out schemas each page of site has file dedicated schemas. split out schemas different files , put underscore in front, few seemed work , rest broke pages apart of. ├── collections │   ├── collections.js │   ├── _lists.js │   ├── _in.js │   ├── _issues.js │   ├── _reports.js sure, make sure schema file comes before collection file, because after create collection, you'll need attach schema. no need use lib folder, think common practice set them in collections folder. if schema alphabetically before collection, you're (just make sure not use var or put schema on global object). that said, collection file 2 lines (create, attach) plus

c - Can't more than two strings compare? -

if compared integers assign 1 of them largest/smallest one. however, when try comparing more 2 strings, can't manage assaigment. in code "for loop" compares 2 of strings. method need compare 1 of them others individually. (i can predict need use 2 loop, can't implement) suggestions? here code: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> typedef struct wordsorting { char name[15]; int = 0; }; int main() { wordsorting *wordelement = (wordsorting *)malloc(sizeof(wordsorting)); wordelement = (wordsorting *)malloc(sizeof(wordsorting)); printf("-- enter 3 person name --\n\n"); (wordelement->i = 0; wordelement->i < 3; wordelement->i++) { printf("enter %d. person name: ", wordelement->i + 1); scanf("%s", wordelement[wordelement->i].name); } printf("\n"); (wordelement->i = 0; wordelement->i < 3; wordelement->

windows - Why can't nvcc find my Visual C++ installation? -

i'm running windows 7 pro x64 on core i5 nvidia 3100m, cuda compatible. i've tried installing both 32-bit , 64-bit cuda toolkits nvidia, unfortunately either of them cannot compile anything; nvcc says "cannot find supported cl version. msvc 8.0 , msvc 9.0 supported". i have x86 , x86-64 compilers installed via windows 7 sdk (compiler version 15.00.30729.01 both arches). both compilers operating correctly; i've built , tested c , c++ code using them. i've tried running nvcc command shells set both 32 bit , 64 bit compilation, , using -ccbin command line option nvcc point @ visual c++ install directory. what right way of handling setup? there way make nvcc more verbose going on? -v flag isn't terrible helpful. ideally way make show finding versus it's expecting find. work better if install visual c++ express instead? or commercial version of vc++ supported use cuda? it looks didn't install visual studio 2005 or 2008, compiler versi

c# - I can't add Treenode in Treeview -

i add tree node parent form though child form not appear on treeview and add treeview imageindex please let me know how add treenode // [childform] private void button1_click(object sender, eventargs e) { main _main = new main(); _main.setftpclient(); } //[mainform] private void toolstripbutton1_click(object sender, eventargs e) { _connectform.startposition = formstartposition.centerparent; _connectform.showdialog(this); } public void setftpclient() { treenode svrnode = new treenode("server", 0, 0); svrnode.nodes.add("se", "seoul", 0, 0); svrnode.nodes.add("dj", "seoul1", 0, 0); svrnode.nodes.add("bs", "seoul2", 0, 0); treenode netnode = new treenode("network", 1, 1); netnode.nodes.add("t1", "cable", 1, 1); netnode.nodes.add("56k", "modem", 1, 1); netnode.nodes.add("3g", "wireless", 1, 1); tv_ftp.

java - Treemap get throws NullPointerException -

follwing java class private void initializemaptest() { eventmap = new treemap<string,string>(); //put value eventmap maptest = new treemap<string, string>( new comparator<string>() { public int compare( string key1, string key2 ) { if( key1 == null ) { if( key2 == null ) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } else { if( key2 == null ) { return -1; } else { return key1.compareto( key2 ); } } } } ); for( string s : eventmap.keyset() )

javascript - "Loading Data" Stuck on AMChart -

hello, i using amcharts framework make charts data in mysql database. stuck "loading data" instead of actual chart. ( ) and no, it's not loading data. went launch , came hour later , it's yet loaded. when used data amcharts website provided, worked fine, own data, no such luck. also, have checked this link , isn't answering question. question shouldn't duplicate. the data : for data, using section of starbucks stock close prices 100 dates in 2007. it's test data before start real part of project. things rolling. started 2100 rows, when first got "loading data" message, cut down data simple 100 rows. still, no such luck. if you'd data used, way got it, here r code used. require('quantmod') getsymbols("sbux") starbucks <- data.frame(sbux) starbucks[,7] <- row.names(starbucks) starbucks <- data.frame(starbucks[,c(7,6)]) row.names(starbucks) <- null

ios - After upgrading to Cocoapods 0.38 Build failsdue to library not found -

i upgraded cocoapods , ran pod install. after doing hard clean , build i'm getting following error: ld: library not found -lpods-hhrouter clang: error: linker command failed exit code 1 (use -v see invocation) i tried removing every reference hhrouter , pulling pod. moved on give me error pod. here podfile looks like: platform :ios, '8.0' # ignore warnings pods inhibit_all_warnings! pod 'jdstatusbarnotification' pod 'hhrouter', '~> 0.1' pod 'viewdeck', '2.2.11' pod 'iqkeyboardmanager' pod 'magicalrecord' pod 'rskimagecropper', '1.0.0' pod 'uicollectionviewleftalignedlayout' pod 'flanimatedimage', '~> 1.0' pod 'crtoast', '~> 0.0.7' pod 'sdwebimage', '~>3.7' am missing anything? i deleted settings behind other linker flags, except $(inherited), , went well.

In an SSRS report builder expression, I am trying to get the sum of a conditional count -

i want sum of count if count >=3. gives me sum of counts, regardless if <> 3: =sum(iif(countdistinct(fields!encounter.value)>=3,1,0)) this produces th same result, total number of distinct encounters: =sum(iif(countdistinct(fields!encounter.value)>=3,countdistinct(fields!encounter.value),nothing)) i want total number of distinct encounters if there 3 or more per person. grouping on person first, encounter id. ex: person enc john 1 bob 4 sue 2 ann 3 total enc>=3: 2 based on requirement, if there not details rows under encounter, should directly compare fields!encounter.value instead of using countdistinct() sum(iif(fields!encounter.value>=3,1,0)) if have multiple detail rows under encounter group level, requirement can't achieved because can't use aggregation function within aggregation function. means can't distinct encounter ids first, calculate total.

Is there any way to get full screen video url android 5.0? -

when full screen video in android 5.0 form webview return me "android_webview.fullscreenview" . there way video url object ? please use using immersive full-screen mode. you. more details please check below link hope you.

css - HTML Icon not clickable -

i'm developing website , want use icon google fonts. can see on screen when click on nothing happens. <div class="darker"> <img class="background" src="~/content/images/portada.jpg" alt="smiley face" height="150" width="150"> <i class="material-icons" id="menu-toggle">menu</i> </div> <div id="page-content-wrapper"> <div class="container"> <div class="flex-center"> <div class="animated fadeinup"> <img class="img-responsive centering" id="title" src="~/content/images/pizzeriabritannia.png" /> </div> <div class="animated flipinx text-center"> <h3>desde 1986 contigo y con los tuyos</h3> </div> </div> </div>

Android Java - Some of the Buttons have Text Aligned to the Right -

some of buttons (2, 4, 6, 8, 0, -, , /) have text aligned right instead of left . strange thing have textalignment properties of buttons not have center text set center . here main_activity.xml . sorry if it's simple mistake, still learning android app development . <relativelayout xmlns:android="" xmlns:tools="" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:paddingleft="@dimen/activity_horizontal_margin" android:paddingright="@dimen/activity_horizontal_margin" android:paddingtop="@dimen/activity_vertical_margin" android:paddingbottom="@dimen/activity_vertical_margin" tools:context=".mainactivity" android:background="#ffffffff" android:id="@+id/relativelayout"> <button android:layout_width="wrap_content&

rjava - R control memory usage in doParallel -

i use doparallel batches of tasks seems r not freeing memory call rm() , gc(). program exit out of memory. may worth mention running r java using jri, think not java issue r. because (1) monitoring jvm memory consumption, never beyond 3gb (allocated max=8g); (2) running job on company server, allocating total of 36g job (8g jvm). job exits due system error (max memory 36g reached), not java's outofmemory exception. me suggests r engine java calls has gradually used memory available. below r code , java code. java code complex tried simplify outlining general structure. rengine re = .... eng.parseandeval("registerdoparallel("+cpucores+")") while(somecondition){ string datamatrixfile=functiontogetdatamatrixfile("..."); /the file path //is different in each iteration of while loop re.parseandeval("m <- read.table('"+datamatrixfile+"', header=false, sep=',', skip=0)"); //read data matrix save

c# - Could not load file or assembly System.Web.Mvc or one of its dependencies -

currently working on mvc5 (old mvc3 project). builds fine, when start project when run project facing following error. could not load file or assembly 'system.web.mvc' or 1 of dependencies. located assembly's manifest definition not match assembly reference. (exception hresult: 0x80131040) not sure how can can fix this, ideas? this assembly load trace: === pre-bind state information === log: displayname = system.web.mvc (partial) wrn: partial binding information supplied assembly: wrn: assembly name: system.web.mvc | domain id: 2 wrn: partial bind occurs when part of assembly display name provided. wrn: might result in binder loading incorrect assembly. wrn: recommended provide specified textual identity assembly, wrn: consists of simple name, version, culture, , public key token. wrn: see whitepaper more information , common solutions issue. log: appbase = file:///c:/users/joaki/source/repos/2015-timeadmin