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amazon web services - S3 and apache mod_proxy with basic authentication -

i'd redirect s3 bucket in ssl basic authentication of files (apk files) apache mod_proxy. ssl , mod_proxy work, basic authentication ignored. <virtualhost *:443> servername <filesmatch "\.apk$"> order deny,allow setenvif user-agent ".*android.*" allow_ag options followsymlinks allow env=allow_ag deny authtype basic authname "secret zone" authuserfile /etc/httpd/.htpasswd require user xxx_customer </filesmatch> sslengine on sslproxyengine on sslprotocol -all +sslv3 +tlsv1 sslciphersuite all:!adh:rc4+rsa:+high:+medium:-low:-sslv2:-exp sslcertificatefile conf.d/xxx.cer sslcertificatekeyfile conf.d/xxx.key sslcacertificatefile conf.d/xxx.cer proxypass / proxypa

powershell - This solution contains one or more assemblies targeted for the global assembly cache -

i having sharepoint site deployed through sharepoint powershell. wsp build through visual studio 2013. all projects in solution not signed assemblies(project->right click->properties->signing->sign assemblies check box unchecked). taking wsp of solution publishing , deploying sharepoint using sharepoint powershell. when try this, getting following error: when googled solution. many of them suggesting check 'sign assemblies' check box. don't want do, because facing other issues packages install through nugget. sign libraries of solution go properties of project click signing tab , check sign libraries options , create new strong name file or without password , rebuild , deploy.

Change font size on axis for excel chart with powershell -

i want change font size axis values 11 9 on chart: the chart whole worksheet & have tried run macro tool , replicate in there change font size. vba: activechart.axes(xlvalue).select selection.format.textframe2.textrange.font .baselineoffset = 0 .size = 11 end i unable reproduce in powershell. have tried: $excel = new-object -comobject excel.application $ws = $'file.xlsx').sheets('chart') $ws.axes().item(1).format.textframe2.textrange.font.size = 11 $ws.axes().item(2).format.textframe2.textrange.font.size = 11 but textframe2 object isn't initialized. i'm pretty stuck on how proceed. thanks

php - How can I loop over this multi dimensional array? -

so im trying loop on array of categories , sub-categories im having trouble foreach loop . once i've got array working im going create menu if hover on category, sub categories appear. put way, im hopeless @ logic side of things :| array along loops i've tried: $categories = array( 'arr' => array( 'cat'=>'sport', 'subcats'=> array( "surfing", "basketball", "nfl", "afl" ) ), 'arr' => array( 'cat'=>'automotive', 'subcats'=> array( "cars", "f1", "bikes", "etc" ) ), 'arr' => array( 'cat'=>'comedy', 'subcats'=> array( "stand up", "pranks", "...", "test"

ios - Regular spacing with AutoLayout -

this question may seem simple autolayout expert, still out of own usual autolayout usage. used play .top , .bottom , .left , .right , .centerx , .centery attributes. how do when dealing few objects? for example, if have 5 uilabel(s), , want them vertically aligned, regular spacing. x-axis part, easy: myxconstraint = nslayoutconstraint(item: label1, attribute: .centerx, relatedby: .equal, toitem: superview, attribute: .centerx, multiplier: 1.0, constant: 0.0); with constraint 1 on each of 5 labels, vertically aligned. but how should write other constraints, label1 appears @ top, label2, label3 ….. label5. , want space @ top, 1 @ bottom , spaces between each consecutive label same value. create 6 spacer views. refer here .

javascript - How to bind data from Controler to chartjs line chart to create it as dynamic? -

i using chart.js create chart data recive using linq query in controler , return values json far have tried , isnt getting values of json, here have tried far:- this controller:- [httppost] public jsonresult monthlyturnover(string info) { var list = (from c in nmsdc.datasends c.userid == session["userid"].tostring() && c.rcommission != null && c.dt.month == group c new { c.userid, } g1 orderby descending select new monthlyturnoverchart { amount = g1.sum(item => item.value), nooftransaction = (int)g1.count(), //date = }).tolist(); return json(list, jsonrequestbehavior.allowget); } and view , javascript follows:- <div class="col-md-6" style=&

How to install ruby on rails -

i newbie ruby on rails, here trying install ruby on rails on windows 7 64 bit. installed ruby installer , installed rails. , created new app files. when start rails server showing following errors. how can rid of these errors , start developing ruby application? c:\users\walnut\desktop > bundle install fetching gem metadata fetching version metadata fetching dependency metadata resolving dependencies................. using rake 10.4.2 using i18n 0.7.0 installing json 1.8.3 native extensions gem::installerror: 'json' native gem requires installed build tools. please update path include build tools or download devkit '' , follow instructions @ '' error occurred while installing json (1.8.3), , bundler cannot continue. make sure `gem install json -v '1.8.3'` succeeds be