java - Auto Image Rotated from Portrait to Landscape -
i taking photo , storing sd card
, , later viewing sd card
, getting rotated ...
i capturing in portrait mode
, getting resultant image in landscape mode
is there missing ? class found here
/** * displaying captured image/video on screen * */ private void previewmedia(boolean isimage) { // checking whether captured media image or video if (isimage) { imgpreview.setvisibility(view.visible); final bitmap bitmap = bitmapfactory.decodefile(filepath); bitmap orientedbitmap = exifutil.rotatebitmap(filepath, bitmap); imgpreview.setimagebitmap(orientedbitmap); } else { imgpreview.setvisibility(view.gone); } }
but still showing rotated image in imageview ...
you need use exif
orientation_undefined right orientation.
exifinterface exif = null; try { exif = new exifinterface(path); } catch (ioexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } int orientation = exif.getattributeint(exifinterface.tag_orientation, exifinterface.orientation_undefined);
and rotate bitmap :
bitmap bmrotated = rotatebitmap(bitmap, orientation);
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