javascript - nodejs stream pipe into already piped N streams -

i want pipe 1 stream n piped streams, code below returns here2 doesn't go in first transform stream. seems piped streams doesn't behave 1 stream.

'use strict';  var stream = require('stream'); var through2 = require('through2');  var pass = new stream.passthrough({objectmode: true});  var transform1 = through2.obj(function(obj, enc, done) {     console.log('here1');     this.push(obj);     done(); }).pipe(through2.obj(function(obj, enc, done) {     console.log('here2');     this.push(obj);     done(); }));  pass.write({'hello': 'world'});  pass.pipe(transform1).on('data', function(data) {     console.log(data); }); 

the pipe method returns destination stream. transform1 stream 2nd stream in pipe chain. writing pass stream 2nd stream (hence output 'here 2'): try this:

pass.pipe(through2.obj(function(obj, enc, done) {     console.log('here1');     this.push(obj);     done(); })).pipe(through2.obj(function(obj, enc, done) {     console.log('here2');     this.push(obj);     done(); }));  pass.write({'hello': 'world'}); 


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