ios - Linker Errors Facebook Parse -
i added pffacebookutils.initializefacebookwithapplicationlaunchoptions(launchoptions!)
, got 9 linking errors feel many people have gotten before.
first time working facebook in app , added every framework, header, , filled in info.plist
i had unwrap launchoptions
can me out on how rid of these mach-o linker errors.
updated error log
ld: warning: directory not found option '-f(1)' ld: warning: auto-linking supplied '/users/fabricemulumba/documents/facebooksdk/fbsdksharekit.framework/fbsdksharekit', framework linker option @ /users/fabricemulumba/documents/facebooksdk/fbsdksharekit.framework/fbsdksharekit not dylib undefined symbols architecture x86_64: "_objc_class_$_pffacebookutils", referenced from: __tmacso15pffacebookutils in appdelegate.o ld: symbol(s) not found architecture x86_64 clang: error: linker command failed exit code 1 (use -v see invocation)
maybe using old version of facebook's framework? i've checked library out not have parsefacebookutils(pffacebooktokencachingstrategy.o)
to check use
otool -l parsefacebookutilsv4.framework/parsefacebookutilsv4 -arch arm64
otool -l libparsefacebookutilsv4lib.a -arch arm64
the output this
libparsefacebookutilsv4lib.a(pffacebookutils.o): libparsefacebookutilsv4lib.a(pffacebookauthenticationprovider.o):
and i've checked out dependencies libraries dont have fbrequest , fbsession classes.
try use newest versions of sdk or link dependencies cocoapods.
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