sbt - managed resource available only for freshly cleaned project -

i created sbt autoplugin generates resources:

(thx why doesn't custom resourcegenerator executed upon compile?, fix first problem.)

there test project generates "test/inline/category.schema.json" example.

the test project in git well:

this generated resource available freshly cleaned project:

cd testproject  ▶ sbt clean run [...] [info] running main url test/category.schema.json: file:/users/yannsimon/projects/json-schema/testproject/target/scala-2.10/classes/test/category.schema.json url test/inline/category.schema.json: file:/users/yannsimon/projects/json-schema/testproject/target/scala-2.10/classes/test/inline/category.schema.json 

when running again, managed resource disappears "testproject/target/scala-2.10/classes/test/inline"

▶ sbt run [...] [info] running main url test/category.schema.json: file:/users/yannsimon/projects/json-schema/testproject/target/scala-2.10/classes/test/category.schema.json url test/inline/category.schema.json: null 

any appreciated.

thanks, yann

answered in sbt issue:

the fix simple:


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