javascript - Add external JS to react component -
i want add canvas react component. have achieved:
var react = require('react'), c = require('./../canvas_animation'); var home = react.createclass({ componentdidmount: function () { react.finddomnode(this).childnodes[1].appendchild(c); },
this link contains canvas animation.
problem: working fine in react apart mouse events? how can make them work?
jquery(document).ready(function() { $(document).mousedown(function(e) { onmousedown(); }); $(document).mouseup(function(e) { onmouseup(); }); })
replicated here react having issue events.
react.js using syntethic event system first step attach events on react node directly:
render: function() { return <div onmousedown={onmousedown} onmouseup={onmouseup}></div>; }
then use mouse position event args directly:
function onmousedown(e) { mousex = e.pagex; mousey = e.pagey; ... }
i replaced hello world empty div because impacts size of stageheight variable , managed move balls on drag sometimes, should find out remaining parts should updated. here updated fiddle:
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