html - SQL Update Statement for change to correct fractions -

in database, have strings saved this:


this stores fraction html, want change html statement this:

<div class="fraction">   <div class="numerator">3</div>   <div class="denominator">8</div> </div> 

i know how change using sql update statement:

update question_table  set `option` = replace(`option`, '<sup>3</sup>&frasl;<sub>8</sub>','<div class="fraction">       <div class="numerator">3</div>       <div class="denominator">8</div>     </div>') `option`  '%<sup>3</sup>&frasl;<sub>8</sub>%' 

but problem 3 , 8 might change accordingly. not 3 , 8. numbers can change. how change correct statement taking account different numbers. know need use regular expressions not sure how.

need guidance on this.

all of comment above wise , valid. however, if need keep way is, can try that:

declare @t table ([id] int, [fraction]  nvarchar(max)); insert @t([id], [fraction]) values(0, '<sup>3</sup>&frasl;<sub>8</sub>');  ; n ( select [id], [numerator] = substring([fraction], charindex('<sup>', [fraction], 0) + len('<sup>'), charindex('</sup>', [fraction], 0) - charindex('<sup>', [fraction], 0) - len('<sup>'))     , [denominator] = substring([fraction], charindex('<sub>', [fraction], 0) + len('<sub>'), charindex('</sub>', [fraction], 0) - charindex('<sub>', [fraction], 0) - len('<sub>')) @t ) select [id], [html] = '<div class="fraction"><div class="numerator">'+n.[numerator]+'</div><div class="denominator">'+n.[denominator]+'</div>div>' n; 

this code works in smss sql server. replace , adapt model , needs , rdbms. julien


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