ios - How to jump to any Cell in a UICollectionView by using a custom layout? -
i have 40 cells in horizontal uicollectionview , button.
i can jump cell number 5 cell number 10 when click on button.
but want go further cell ( example 5 25 ),
it doesn't work, , instead goes 0.
func setvalue(value: int, animated: bool) { self.value = value if let row = find(values, value) { let indexpath = nsindexpath(forrow: row, insection: 0) selectedcell = collectionview.cellforitematindexpath(indexpath) as? steppercell collectionview.scrolltoitematindexpath(indexpath, atscrollposition: .centeredhorizontally, animated: animated) } } override func preparelayout() { let start = int(collectionview!.bounds.size.width * 0.5) - statics.width / 2 let length = collectionview!.numberofitemsinsection(0) if cache.isempty && length > 0 { item in 0..<length { let indexpath = nsindexpath(foritem: item, insection: 0) let attributes = uicollectionviewlayoutattributes(forcellwithindexpath: indexpath) attributes.frame = cgrect( x: start + (statics.width + statics.padding) * indexpath.item, y: 0, width: statics.width, height: statics.height ) cache.append(attributes) } contentwidth = cgrectgetmaxx(cache.last!.frame) + cgfloat(start) } } override func layoutattributesforelementsinrect(rect: cgrect) -> [anyobject]? { var layoutattributes = [uicollectionviewlayoutattributes]() attributes in cache { if cgrectintersectsrect(attributes.frame, rect) { layoutattributes.append(attributes) } } return layoutattributes } }
i think can dispense row logic. after - using passed int
. if if let
clause fails, won't scroll.
also, drop call cellforitematindexpath
- not need (you not using either).
i guess perhaps should use nsindexpath(foritem, insection)
rather nsindexpath(forrow, insection)
. (table view uses row, collectionview uses item.)
collectionview.scrolltoitematindexpath( nsindexpath(foritem: value, insection: 0), atscrollposition: .centeredhorizontally, animated: true)
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