android - Unable to get the resource-id when running uiautomator events in an adb shell -

we running uiautomator events in adb should dump accessibility events not giving resource-id

08-03 12:22:13.520 eventtype: type_view_clicked; eventtime: 185419; packagename: com.nimbuzz; movementgranularity: 0; action: 0 [ classname: android.widget.button; text: [i´m new nimbuzz]; contentdescription: null; itemcount: -1; currentitemindex: -1; isenabled: true; ispassword: false; ischecked: false; isfullscreen: false; scrollable: false; beforetext: null; fromindex: -1; toindex: -1; scrollx: -1; scrolly: -1; maxscrollx: -1; maxscrolly: -1; addedcount: -1; removedcount: -1; parcelabledata: null ]; recordcount: 0removedcount: -1; parcelabledata: null ]; recordcount: 0 

i need resource-id property. resource used: android version 4.4

any highly appreciated.


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