javascript - Why does ECMA script offer no integer type out of the box? -
i wondering why ecma script not support integers out of box. of course know there kind of integers (there summary in answer question: difference between floats , ints in javascript?). still these not "real" integers. , problems floats ints pretty abundant. why not support integers , why not fixed ecma script 6?
the language designed , implemented in 10 days, matter of time constraints. horses mouth:
yes, there start. bignums not in cards. js had "look java" less so, java's dumb kid brother or boy-hostage sidekick. plus, had done in ten days or worse js have happened.
so double default, int under hood, , bitwise ops 32-bit int (uint if use >>>). blame java.
i wouldn't know why wasn't on table es2015. me seems lot of work remove boilerplate, i'd guessing. brendan eich pretty active on twitter, ask him. :)
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