ruby on rails - host can not recognized in postgres -
we have seen issue in log
fatal: lock file "/tmp/.s.pgsql.5432.lock" exists hint: postmaster (pid 4696) using socket file "/tmp/.s.pgsql.5432"? log: not bind ipv4 socket: address in use
we have deleted /tmp/.s.pgsql.5432.lock
we restarted postgres service service restarted
but psql -h localhost -d database -u newuser
shows error role 'newuser' not exists
but if connect without host
psql -d database -u newuser
it worked, how can work host options ?
is there ,missing somthing after deleting tmp file?
same last one, have 2 instances of postgresql running on machine.
you delete socket file rather shutting down instance. allows second instance start, it's listening on unix socket. presumably listen_addresses
unset/empty doesn't attempt bind tcp/ip socket, since it'd fail if tried , port 5432 in use.
the other instance still running , still listening on port 5432 tcp/ip connections. when specify -h localhost
tcp/ip connection instead of default unix socket connection, connecting other instance of postgresql on system.
all problems caused going around deleting , killing things rather identifying underlying problem - second postgresql instance - , addressing that.
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