ruby on rails - Displaying profile in view confusion -

so working on personal project learn rails nesting , decided use devise. created profile model , controller handle displaying other information user input @ later time. , utilized after_create :create_profile handle heavy lifting. have setup in model , controllers information passed correctly, when comes displaying user's profile confusion arises.

this profile controller

class profilecontroller < applicationcontroller   before_action :find_profile   before_action :find_user   before_action :authenticate_user!    def new     @profile =   end    def create     @profile = current_user.create_profile(profile_params)   end    def show     @profile = @user.profile   end    def update     @profile.update_attributes(profile_params)     if       redirect_to profile_path(current_user)     end   end    private      def find_user       @user = user.find(params[:id])     end      def find_profile       @profile = profile.find(params[:id])     end      def profile_params       params.require(:profile).permit(:tagline, :age, :website)     end end 

in rails console, can manipulate data quite easily, in practical use (the view) find not case.

example being if want display second user's profile, in rails console, can simple this.

@u = user.find(params[:id]) find user, can @u.profile grab associated profile.

since going looking users quite bit, made sense me create method , use before_action. thought able following in view <%= @user.profile.tagline %> grab user's tagline tagline. that's not working out well. tried@profile.user.tagline, displays nothing (no error thrown because addedattr_accessor` tagline on user model).

anyone have suggestions? hint i'm doing wrong?

the main problem can see is, using params[:id] find both user , profile. assume 1 should correct.

so first try find out when id passing (this can figured link call profile page)

then try print both @user , @profile variables in page. can (in view ex)

#show.html.erb <%= @user.inspect %> <%= @profile.inspect %> 

and if comfortable dig in more details, can use debugger gem pry


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