jquery - How to stop resize when meet the width size of an element -
i wanted #map element resize whenever window resize. however, if browser window resize , meet 930 pixel width, #map element should stop resizing if browser extend full screen width.
here's actual code.
$(window).on('resize',function(){ var _framey = $(window).height(), _framex = $(window).width(), _map = $('#map'); if (_framex <= _map.width()) { _map.css({ 'width': _framex, 'height': _framey }); } else if (_framex >= 930) { _map.css({ 'width': _framex, 'height': _framey }); } }).resize();
i wanted maintain resizing function below 930 pixel of #map, when browser screen-width resize , on 931 pixel, #map element should stop resizing , stay @ 930 pixel width.
this part wrong because ".width()" return current width of element , not value in css element. have set in code 930px value in condition.
if (_framex <= _map.width()) { _map.css({ 'width': _framex, 'height': _framey }); } else if (_framex >= 930) { _map.css({ 'width': _framex, 'height': _framey }); }
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