ios - After upgrading to Cocoapods 0.38 Build failsdue to library not found -

i upgraded cocoapods , ran pod install. after doing hard clean , build i'm getting following error:

ld: library not found -lpods-hhrouter clang: error:  linker command failed exit code 1 (use -v see invocation) 

i tried removing every reference hhrouter , pulling pod. moved on give me error pod.

here podfile looks like: platform :ios, '8.0'  # ignore warnings pods inhibit_all_warnings!  pod 'jdstatusbarnotification' pod 'hhrouter', '~> 0.1' pod 'viewdeck', '2.2.11' pod 'iqkeyboardmanager' pod 'magicalrecord' pod 'rskimagecropper', '1.0.0' pod 'uicollectionviewleftalignedlayout' pod 'flanimatedimage', '~> 1.0' pod 'crtoast', '~> 0.0.7' pod 'sdwebimage', '~>3.7' 

am missing anything?

i deleted settings behind other linker flags, except $(inherited), , went well.


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