Configuring Castle Windsor using xml/app.config -

i building sample application using castle windsor. motto use xml/app.config switch method interception on/off. had used fluent api earlier , worked charm. next step, trying replace fluent api xml.

the gist of code follows: class called randomoperations 2 virtual methods. loggingaspect class implements iinterceptor. myinterceptorsselector class implements imodelinterceptorsselector program.cs had fluent api syntax earlier , uses make calls methods of randomoperations class. app.config section called has xml syntax of registering components.

when use fluent api, able intercept method calls unable using xml/app.config registration. please throw light on being missed?

the classes follows:


public class randomoperations      {         public virtual int myrandommethod(int x)         {             return x * x;         }          public virtual void writer(string x)         {             console.writeline(x);         }     } 


public class loggingaspect : iinterceptor     {         public void intercept(iinvocation invocation)         {             console.writeline("intercepted call " +;             invocation.proceed();             console.writeline("after method call, return value " + invocation.returnvalue);         }     } 


public class myinterceptorsselector : imodelinterceptorsselector     {          public bool hasinterceptors(componentmodel model)         {             return typeof(loggingaspect) != model.implementation &&                 model.implementation.namespace.startswith("consoleapplication1") ;         }          public interceptorreference[] selectinterceptors(componentmodel model, castle.core.interceptorreference[] obj)         {             var interceptors = new list<interceptorreference>(model.interceptors.count + 1);             foreach (interceptorreference inter in model.interceptors)             {                 interceptors.add(inter);             }              return interceptors.toarray();          }     } 

main in program.cs

static void main(string[] args)         {             var container = new windsorcontainer();             //container.register(component.for<randomoperations>().interceptors(typeof(loggingaspect)));             //container.register(component.for<loggingaspect>());             //container.kernel.proxyfactory.addinterceptorselector(new myinterceptorsselector());             var service = container.resolve<randomoperations>();             service.myrandommethod(4);             service.writer("hello, world");         } 

removing commented out fluent api syntax makes application work correctly.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration>   <configsections>     <section name="castle" type="castle.windsor.configuration.appdomain.castlesectionhandler, castle.windsor" />   </configsections>    <castle>     <components>        <component id="myinterceptorsselector" type="myinterceptorsselector"/>       <component         id="loggingaspect"         type="consoleapplication1.loggingaspect, consoleapplication1">       </component>       <component         type="consoleapplication1.randomoperations, consoleapplication1">         <interceptors selector="${myinterceptorsselector}">           <interceptor>${loggingaspect}</interceptor>         </interceptors>       </component>      </components>   </castle>   <startup>     <supportedruntime version="v4.0" sku=".netframework,version=v4.5" />   </startup>  </configuration> 

thanks in advance.

you need pass iconfigurationinterpreter windsor constructor. change:

var container = new windsorcontainer(); 


var container = new windsorcontainer(new xmlinterpreter()); 

the xmlinterpreter (with no parameters) pull configuration app.config/web.config.

for more options on using iconfigurationinterpreter, see docs.


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