c# - Razor syntax broken on MVC 5 views VS2013 -

i have following problem:

razor syntax shows errors on view , won't autocomplete in cases, example:

@model somemodel // name 'model' not exist in current context  @html.editorfor(m=>m.someprop) // system.web.webpages.html.htmlhelper not contain defenition 'editorfor'.... same .partial ,  .otherextensions  //this work: @html.checkbox //.dropdown .encode .hidden ect... (the non extended properties of html) 

what i've tried far based on similar topics:

  1. make sure have same webpages / mvc version on web.config in main dir. , in views dir.

  2. unload project, delete .user file, reload project (that helped once though)

  3. rebuild/ clean/ delete bin files

this driving me crazy, please help!

added: using webpages 3.0.3xxx , mvc 5.2.3xxx

added #2: seems happen because views directory separated project - don't it! use views in same project mvc controllers.

the mvc architecture looks views in following folders




secondly, can specify per this article. though never tried myself.


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