sql - I have NULL results for thousands of rows. How do I exclude those from populating when they don't exist? -

i have code @ sales employee of mine. hired create growth on extinct customers. on 1,000+ customers have in dbase, effect 100. there have been lot of rows generated value null. want report exclude rows of customers more efficient in understanding management. how accomplish this?

    select  t1.cardcode 'bp code',         t1.cardname 'bp name',         count(case when t1.slpcode<>'37' t0.docnum end) '# of orders',         sum(case when t1.slpcode<>'37' t0.doctotal end) 'total orders amt',         sum(case when t1.slpcode<>'37' t0.doctotal end)/         count(case when t1.slpcode<>'37' t0.docnum end) 'avg order size',         count(case when t1.slpcode='37' t0.docnum end) '# of orders',         sum(case when t1.slpcode='37' t0.doctotal end) 'total orders amt',         sum(case when t1.slpcode='37' t0.doctotal end)/         count(case when t1.slpcode='37' t0.docnum end) 'avg order size'     ordr t0 inner join ocrd t1 on t0.cardcode=t1.cardcode    t0.docstatus = 'c'         , t0.canceled <> 'y'         , t0.docdate >= '2015-05-26'  group    t1.cardcode,             t1.cardname  order    t1.cardname 

select tnot.*, tyes.* ( select ocrd.cardcode 'bp code',               ocrd.cardname 'bp name',               count(ordr.docnum) '# of orders',               sum(ordr.doctotal) 'total orders amt'          ocrd          left join ordr             on ordr.cardcode= ocrd.cardcode            , ordr.canceled <> 'y'           , ordr.docdate >= '2015-05-26'           , ocrd.slpcode <> '37'       group ocrd.cardcode,               ocrd.cardname      ) tnot     join ( select ocrd.cardcode 'bp code',               ocrd.cardname 'bp name',               count(ordr.docnum) '# of orders',               sum(ordr.doctotal) 'total orders amt'          ocrd          join ordr             on ordr.cardcode= ocrd.cardcode            , ordr.canceled <> 'y'           , ordr.docdate >= '2015-05-26'           , ocrd.slpcode  = '37'       group ocrd.cardcode,               ocrd.cardname      ) tyes      on tnot.[bp code] = tyes.[bp code]    , tnot.[bp name] = tyes.[bp name]  order tyes.[bp name] 


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