javascript - Rails: Submit html table content in form to controller -

i have trouble rails formular.

i have form create "projects".

project form

<%= bootstrap_form_for(@project) |f| %> ... <div class="container-fluid">        <%= f.static_control label:"vordefinierte aufgaben" %>      <div class="actions form-group nopadding">       <div class="center-block">         <%=link_to "", data: {toggle:"modal", target:".newtask-modal"} , class: "btn btn-success center-block btn-sidebar-ok", id: "singlebutton"  do%>           <i> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus pull-left btn-sidebar-icon"></span>neue aufgabe hinzufügen </i>         <% end %>       </div>     </div>        <div class="task-table">         <%=render 'tasks/table'%>     </div>  <% end %> </div>  ... <!-- task modal create new task -->        <%=render 'tasks/newtaskmodal' %> <% end %>     <!-- button -->               <div class="actions form-group">                 <div class="center-block">                   <%= button_tag( type: 'submit',  class: "btn btn-success center-block btn-sidebar-ok", id: "singlebutton")  do%>                     <i> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok pull-left"></span>projekt anlegen </i>                   <% end %>                 </div>               </div> 

within form have table shows created tasks , button open bootstrap modal. modal contains new form create task.

task form within modal

 <%= bootstrap_form_tag() |f| %>          <div class="col-sm-8">              <%= f.text_field :task_title, label: "titel", placeholder: "betreff", icon: "pencil",wrapper: { class: 'icon-addon addon-md'} %>         </div>         <div class="col-sm-4">              <%= f.number_field :task_in_min, label: "arbeitszeit in min", placeholder: "bsp.: 25", icon: "time",  wrapper: { class: 'icon-addon addon-md'}%>                     </div>          <div class="col-sm-12">              <%= f.text_area :task_description, label: "beschreibung*", placeholder: "aufgabenbeschreibung", icon: "pencil", rows: 10, wrapper: { class: 'icon-addon addon-md'}%>         </div>               <%= button_tag( type: 'button',  id:"tasksubmit", class: "btn btn-success center-block btn-sidebar-ok")  %>                 <i > <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok pull-left btn-sidebar-icon"></span> speichern  </i>             <% end %>    <% end %>  

if click "tasksubmit" javascript put task (title, description, min) table within project form. js create new table row task content.


//take data task form , @ new task element task table in project form $(function tasksubmitfunction(){ $('#tasksubmit').click(function(){      var task_title = $('#task_title').val();     var task_description = $('#task_description').val();     var task_in_min = $('#task_in_min').val();     //remove spaces title     var id = task_title.replace(/ /g,'');      $('#tasktable tr:last').after('<tr id="task_'+id+'"> <td>'+task_title+'</td> <td>'+task_description+'</td><td>'+task_in_min+'</td><td> <span class="pull-right"><span data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" data-original-title="löschen"><button class="btn btn-sm btn-danger btn-colored delete-position" id="'+id+'"name="button" type="button" task="'+task_title+'"><i><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove"/></i></button></span></span></td></tr>');      $('#tasktable').after('<input type="hidden" id="1" name="1" value="'+task_title+'" />');      $('#task_title').val('');     $('#task_description').val('');     $('#task_in_min').val('');       //initialize task delete     $(function taskdeletefunction(){         $('#'+id).click(function(){              var task_title = $(this).attr('task');              if (confirm("soll die aufgabe wirklich gelöscht werden?")) {                 $('#'+id).remove();             }             return false;         });     });   }); }); 

what want submit these table elements project controller create project , necessary tasks activerecords. possible? how can this? maybe create hidden field every table element submit project form? every table element consists of 3 values... how can this?

do have idea?

best regards

why not use 3 hidden fields (one each value)? straightforward , easy access in params hash.


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