java - A ThreadLocal Supplier? -

if need threadlocal of variable, there need use supplier (also thread-safe)?

for example, isn't supplier unnecessary accomplish thread-safety here?

private threadlocal<supplier<myclass>> myobject = new threadlocal<supplier<myclass>>(); 


your question doesn't show typical way use supplier threadlocal. if want threadlocal of myclass, old (pre-1.8) way typically:

threadlocal<myclass> local = new threadlocal<myclass>();  // later if (local.get() == null) {   local.put(new myclass()); } myclass myclass = local.get(); 

the alternative delcare subclass of threadlocal overrode initialvalue method.

in 1.8, can instead use supplier handle initialization:

threadlocal<myclass> local = threadlocal.withinitial(() -> new myclass()); 

functionally, these 2 identical, supplier version lot less code write.


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