TeamCity error after addind SVN subrepo to Mercurial -
i added svn project subrepository mercurial project (following this instructions) , teamcity cannot build mercurial project. following error:
[updating sources] failed build patch build #???, vcs root: "mercurial: https://myrepo" {instance id=41, parent internal id=22, parent id=mercurial_repo_id, description: "mercurial: https://myrepo"}, due error: cannot build patch: clientabortexception: [updating sources] problem while loading patch data stream: failed obtain stream server. server status: 504 (gateway time-out) problem while loading patch data stream: failed obtain stream server. server status: 504 (gateway time-out) failed obtain stream server. server status: 504 (gateway time-out)
when clone repo locally, goes fine, teamcity doesn't see subrepo , there no subrepo in changes graph. tried add different build steps, didn't help. tried change vcs checkout mode in teamcity agent-checkout, there error due self-signed sertificates:
failed perform checkout on agent: 'hg --config ui.interactive=false clone -u --uncompressed https://...' command failed. stderr: abort: not find web.cacerts: /etc/ssl/ca-bundle.pem
however, checkout mode shouldn't cause of errors since such issue has been resolved in 8 version of teamcity (we use 8.0.6).
how should configure teamcity work svn subrepo inside mercurial repo?
i found answer: though needed fix errors while performing checkout on agent (add certificate or force trust all) , problem solved!
i haven't done svn subrepos have done hg subrepos trick teamcity server's hgrc file needs configured silently take svn repo need supply authentication info , perhaps trust cert in hgrc file.
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