- how to resolve this error in paypal sandbox -

paypal payment standard method(sandbox),

after doing setup in buyer account,

when transaction time need retrieve payment status(success/failure), of these options, payment status.

1) instant payment notification (ipn)

2) payment data transfer(pdt)

when enable payment data transfer(pdt) on.

while doing transaction in paypal receive these error this...

rapids::exception (n6rapids5tools13pimpexceptione): pimp rc: 3514

failure log: use of pimp_rc (4814), use of pimp_rc (3013), use of pimp_rc (4814), use of pimp_rc (3174), use of pimp_rc (14816), use of pimp_rc (9449), use of pimp_rc (9445), use of pimp_rc (4814), use of pimp_rc (3507), use of pimp_rc (4001), use of pimp_rc (4002), use of pimp_rc (3778), use of pimp_rc (4007), use of pimp_rc (4020), use of pimp_rc (7003), use of pimp_rc (3583), use of pimp_rc (3051), use of pimp_rc (3001), use of pimp_rc (3021), use of pimp_rc (3242), use of pimp_rc (3165), use of pimp_rc (3101), use of pimp_rc (3085), use of pimp_rc (3209), use of pimp_rc (3174), use of pimp_rc (3043), use of pimp_rc (3241), use of pimp_rc (3082), use of pimp_rc (3129), use of pimp_rc (3567), use of pimp_rc (3235), use of pimp_rc (3236), use of pimp_rc (3508), use of pimp_rc (3507), use of pimp_rc (3531), use of pimp_rc (3514), use of pimp_rc (3124), use of pimp_rc (3047), use of pimp_rc (3224), use of pimp_rc (3093), use of pimp_rc (3253), use of pimp_rc (3254), use of pimp_rc (3083), use of pimp_rc (3137), use of pimp_rc (3256), use of pimp_rc (14268), use of pimp_rc (14267), use of pimp_rc (14266), use of pimp_rc (14269), use of pimp_rc (14264), use of pimp_rc (14265), use of pimp_rc (14244), use of pimp_rc (3084), use of pimp_rc (3254), use of pimp_rc (3083), use of pimp_rc (3137), use of pimp_rc (3070), use of pimp_rc (3141), use of pimp_rc (3198), use of pimp_rc (3011), use of pimp_rc (10021), use of pimp_rc (3199), use of pimp_rc (3015), use of pimp_rc (3014), use of pimp_rc (3200), use of pimp_rc (3257), use of pimp_rc (3012), use of pimp_rc (3141), use of pimp_rc (3535), use of pimp_rc (3504), use of pimp_rc (10022), use of pimp_rc (6702), use of pimp_rc (3001), use of pimp_rc (3120), use of pimp_rc (3517), use of pimp_rc (3531), use of pimp_rc (3201), use of pimp_rc (3803), use of pimp_rc (6834), use of pimp_rc (3807), use of pimp_rc (3808), use of pimp_rc (3810), use of pimp_rc (3812), use of pimp_rc (3809), use of pimp_rc (3805), use of pimp_rc (2002), use of pimp_rc (3177), use of pimp_rc (3051), use of pimp_rc (3510), use of pimp_rc (4003), use of pimp_rc (3013), use of pimp_rc (4011), use of pimp_rc (3300), use of pimp_rc (3286), use of pimp_rc (6681), use of pimp_rc (14605), use of pimp_rc (10361), use of pimp_rc (14353), use of pimp_rc (14817), use of pimp_rc (4002), use of pimp_rc (2001), use of pimp_rc (4001), use of pimp_rc (11045), use of pimp_rc (3593), use of pimp_rc (4071), use of pimp_rc (3514), use of pimp_rc (4022), (rcf @ virtual int merchant::pimpautosellerbliimpl::seller_generate_transaction_token(ullong, pimptransid&):406) , use of pimp_rc (3514) backtrace: ppexception::ppexception(string const&) rapids::tools::pimpexception::pimpexception() rapids::businessblocks::hostedpayments::get_synch_ipn_url(paypalcommonwebappcontext const&, unsigned long long, string const&, string const&, string&, pimptransaction const&, miscubiquitycontainer&, transactionubiquitycontainer&, string const&, unsigned long long) rapids::businessblocks::hostedpayments::get_synch_ipn_url(paypalcommonwebappcontext const&, pimpxclick&, pimptransaction const&, miscubiquitycontainer&, transactionubiquitycontainer&, unsigned long long) rapids::flows::hostedpayments::stateautoreturncheck::execute(rapids::cgivars const&) rapids::decoratedstate::execute(rapids::cgivars const&) riprap::ripraprapidsgenericflow::handle_execute(riprap::webappcontextornate const&, rapids::transitionregistry const&, rapids::state*, string const&, string const&, unsigned long long) riprap::ripraprapidsgenericflow::process_states(riprap::webappcontextornate const&, riprap::ripraprapidsgenericflow::processstates, riprap::dispatchinterceptorregistry const&, rapids::transitionedge const*) riprap::ripraprapidsgenericflow::flow_continue_from_interception(riprap::webappcontextornate const&, riprap::webappreturn const&, riprap::dispatchinterceptorregistry const&) riprap::call_rapids(riprap::webappcontext const&, riprap::rapidsflowfactory const&, riprap::dispatchaction const&, riprap::webappreturn const&, string const&, riprap::dispatchinterceptorregistry const&) riprap::dispatch_loop(riprap::epregistry const&, riprap::webappcontext const&, riprap::dispatchaction&, riprap::webappreturn&, string const&, riprap::dispatchinterceptorregistry const&) riprap::dispatch_wrapper(outputstream&, riprap::epregistry const&, riprap::webappcontext const&, riprap::webappreturn const&, string const&, bool const&, riprap::dispatchinterceptorregistry const&) riprap::entry_point(httpinterface&, riprap::cgivars&, outputstream&, string const&, string const&) main  error has occurred.  return homepage 

enter image description here

enter image description here

when disable payment data transfer(pdt) off. seems working fine....

issue because of unverified merchant account..

check post

enter image description here

kindly check image...


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