sql - How do I return a jsonb array and array of objects from my data? -
i have following table:
create table mytable ( id serial primary key , employee text unique not null , data jsonb );
with following data:
insert mytable (employee, data) values ('jim', '{"sales_tv": [{"value": 10, "yr": "2010", "loc": "us"}, {"value": 5, "yr": "2011", "loc": "europe"}, {"value": 40, "yr": "2012", "loc": "asia"}], "sales_radio": [{"value": 11, "yr": "2010", "loc": "us"}, {"value": 8, "yr": "2011", "loc": "china"}, {"value": 76, "yr": "2012", "loc": "us"}], "another_key": "another value"}'), ('rob', '{"sales_radio": [{"value": 7, "yr": "2014", "loc": "japan"}, {"value": 3, "yr": "2009", "loc": "us"}, {"value": 37, "yr": "2011", "loc": "us"}], "sales_tv": [{"value": 4, "yr": "2010", "loc": "us"}, {"value": 18, "yr": "2011", "loc": "europe"}, {"value": 28, "yr": "2012", "loc": "asia"}], "another_key": "another value"}')
notice there other keys in there besides "sales_tv" , "sales_radio". queries below need focus on "sales_tv" , "sales_radio".
i need find sales jim 2012. starts "sales_" , put in object (just need product sold , value). e.g.:
employee | sales_ jim | {"sales_tv": 40, "sales_radio": 76}
i've got:
select * mytable, (select l.key, l.value mytable, lateral jsonb_each_text(data) l key 'sales_%') a, jsonb_to_recordset(a.value::jsonb) d(yr text, value float) mytable.employee = 'jim' , d.yr = '2012'
but can't seem jim's data. instead get:
employee | key | value -------- |------ | ----- jim | sales_tv | [{"yr": "2010", "loc": "us", "value": 4}, {"yr": "2011", "loc": "europe", "value": 18}, {"yr": "2012", "loc": "asia", "value": 28}] jim | sales_tv | [{"yr": "2010", "loc": "us", "value": 10}, {"yr": "2011", "loc": "europe", "value": 5}, {"yr": "2012", "loc": "asia", "value": 40}] jim | sales_radio | [{"yr": "2010", "loc": "us", "value": 11}, {"yr": "2011", "loc": "china", "value": 8}, {"yr": "2012", "loc": "us", "value": 76}]
you treat result of first join json, not text string, use jsonb_each()
instead of jsonb_each_text()
select t.employee, json_object_agg(a.k, d.value) sales mytable t join lateral jsonb_each(t.data) a(k,v) on a.k 'sales_%' join lateral jsonb_to_recordset(a.v) d(yr text, value float) on d.yr = '2012' t.employee = 'jim' -- works because employee unique group 1;
group 1
shorthand group t.employee
employee | sales ---------+-------- jim | '{ "sales_tv" : 40, "sales_radio" : 76 }'
i untangled , simplified query.
instrumental in aggregating name/value pairs json object. optionally cast jsonb
if need - or use jsonb_object_agg()
in postgres 9.5 or later.
using explicit join
syntax attach conditions in obvious place.
the same without explicit join
select t.employee, json_object_agg(a.k, d.value) sales mytable t , jsonb_each(t.data) a(k,v) , jsonb_to_recordset(a.v) d(yr text, value float) t.employee = 'jim' , a.k 'sales_%' , d.yr = '2012' group 1;
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