Emacs terminal column width (julia / python shell) -

i trying use emacs integrated computing environment julia & python. ess (emacs speaks statistics) plugin use interactively send selected code repl evaluation.

c-c c-c selects code , starts julia interpreter first time combination used, in subsequent executions uses existing julia session.

the challenge facing terminal window julia (this case python) reason uses 80 columns output.

for example following code if executed inside julia session print dataframe df in 3 groups wrapped @ 80 columns. though window size can handle on 200 characters.

 using dataframes  df=readtable("../../data/titanic/data/train.csv")    julia> df[1:2, :]  2x12 dataframe  | row | passengerid | survived | pclass |  |-----|-------------|----------|--------|  | 1   | 1           | 0        | 3      |  | 2   | 2           | 1        | 1      |   | row | name                                                  | sex      |  |-----|-------------------------------------------------------|----------|  | 1   | "braund, mr. owen harris"                             | "male"   |  | 2   | "cumings, mrs. john bradley (florence briggs thayer)" | "female" |   | row | age  | sibsp | parch | ticket      | fare    | cabin | embarked |  |-----|------|-------|-------|-------------|---------|-------|----------|  | 1   | 22.0 | 1     | 0     | "a/5 21171" | 7.25    | na    | "s"      |  | 2   | 38.0 | 1     | 0     | "pc 17599"  | 71.2833 | "c85" | "c"      | 

i have tried manually firing julia session inside emacs shell m-x shell , result in 80 column wrapping.

but same code if execute in julia session running inside regular mac osx terminal correctly use entire width of terminal.

workaround / potential culprit

if execute stty size on os x terminal proper output represent actual size of terminal example 24 157.

but if execute stty size inside emacs shell m-x shell 0 0. no matter size of emacs window result of stty inside emacs 0 0.

when manually change stty settings, let's stty rows 24 cols 160 , execute julia able outputs julia consume 160 columns.


  1. how can make emacs dynamically adjust stty (settings) or whatever facility give intended result.
  2. if #1 not possible , compromise have deal possible set static stty settings in .emacs file used default.

i have tried on linux machine (centos) , have same issue there.

thanks help.

in emacs m-x shell i'm looking at, there's envvar of emacs=t use stty settings inside of .bashrc or equivalent.

however, if use "m-x ansi-term", terminal sizing supported, including dynamic resize, serious terminal emulation, etc. more info: https://masteringemacs.org/article/running-shells-in-emacs-overview - i'd recommend path if it's possible (assuming noone knows better one).

hopefully you'll able use ansi-term, if m-x shell required, .profile or .bashrc line might work. downside per-user, , users wildly different things in scripts.

[ _"$emacs" = _t ] && stty cols 160 


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