android - Pie chart does not have correct size inside a CardView -
i working on android application , using mpandroidchart lib in it. yet application developed using mpandroidchart version 2-0-8. , chart display fine shown below.
but today update lib version 2-1-1. haven't done changes code chart looks now.
here xml code chart.
<com.github.mikephil.charting.charts.piechart android:id="@+id/chart" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_margintop="@dimen/top_bottommarginforchart" android:layout_marginleft="@dimen/top_bottommarginforchart" android:layout_marginright="30dp" android:layout_marginbottom="@dimen/top_bottommarginforchart" />
p.s. displaying chart on cardview
if matters.
is there need update in code? have searched on website didn't find anything.
here java code chart.
mchart = (piechart) rootview.findviewbyid(; mchart.setholecolor(color.white); mchart.setholeradius(40f); mchart.setdescription(""); mchart.setdrawcentertext(true); mchart.setdrawholeenabled(true); mchart.setrotationangle(0); mchart.setdrawslicetext(false); mchart.setrotationenabled(true); mchart.setusepercentvalues(true); mchart.settouchenabled(false); mchart.animatexy(1500, 1500);
legend l = mchart.getlegend(); l.setposition(legend.legendposition.right_of_chart_center); l.setxentryspace(10f); l.setyentryspace(10f);
data setup chart
private void setdata(int count, float range) { arraylist<entry> yvals1 = new arraylist<entry>(); (int = 0; < count ; i++) { yvals1.add(new entry(total_amount[i],i)); } arraylist<string> xvals = new arraylist<string>(); (int = 0; < count ; i++) { xvals.add(array1[i]); } piedataset set1 = new piedataset(yvals1, ""); set1.setslicespace(3f); arraylist<integer> colors = new arraylist<integer>(); (int = 0; < count ; i++) { colors.add(color.parsecolor(colorname[i])); } colors.add(colortemplate.getholoblue()); set1.setcolors(colors); piedata data = new piedata(xvals, set1); data.setdrawvalues(false); mchart.setdata(data); mchart.highlightvalues(null); mchart.invalidate(); }
i not sure found out above issue arise when set piechart
height wrap_content
i resolved issue hard coding piechart
height not recommend. if has other solution can post it.
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