perl - Lines not executed in the good order while dying in foreach loop -

i have strange behavior understand.

here perl script, check if folders present :

#!/usr/bin/env perl use warnings;  $root = "c:\\data\\tests"; @check = ("folder1", "folder2", "folder3"); foreach $check (@check){     print $check;     print -d "$root\\$check" ? " ok\n" : die " nok : not accessible"; } 

now, assume folder3 missing, should have output:

folder1 ok folder2 ok folder3 nok : not accessible @ c:\data\tests\ line 8. 

instead have :

folder1 ok folder2 ok  nok : not accessible @ c:\data\tests\ line 8. folder3 

so looks in last loop, second line executed before first..

someone knows why ?

so looks in last loop, second line executed before first..

someone knows why ?

die ".." unlike print goes stderr

furthermore output buffered might want disable in order wanted output,

stdout->autoflush(); stderr->autoflush(); 


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