javascript - Major problems with Google maps after jQuery UI autocomplete is added to project -
i have run major problems on google maps project when integrated auto complete box , changed code google maps script have been working on. map supposed communicate database , mark cities have listings in them. when click on city zooms in , marks listings on map. ever since got auto complete box work messed around map script , markers no longer showing up. on top of cannot log in console through map script map styles , map still appear. can help?
//buyersmap.js function initialize() { var cities = []; var counties = []; var states = []; var zipcodes = []; console.log("initialize"); var lat = 38.907097; var lng = -77.094389; var markers = []; var infowindow = new google.maps.infowindow(); geocoder = new google.maps.geocoder(); var styles = [ { "elementtype": "geometry", "stylers": [ { "lightness": 44 }, { "visibility": "simplified" } ] },{ "elementtype": "labels", "stylers": [ { "lightness": 25 } ] },{ "featuretype": "road.arterial", "elementtype": "labels", "stylers": [ { "visibility": "off" } ] },{ "featuretype": "administrative.province", "elementtype": "geometry.stroke", "stylers": [ { "color": "#808080" }, { "visibility": "on" }, { "weight": 2.9 }, { "lightness": -27 } ] },{ "featuretype": "poi", "stylers": [ { "visibility": "off" } ] },{ "featuretype": "administrative.locality", "stylers": [ { "visibility": "on" } ] },{ "featuretype": "road.arterial", "elementtype": "geometry.stroke", "stylers": [ { "visibility": "on" }, { "saturation": -27 }, { "lightness": -21 }, { "gamma": 1.63 } ] },{ "featuretype": "administrative", "elementtype": "labels", "stylers": [ { "visibility": "on" }, { "hue": "#ff8000" }, { "lightness": -19 }, { "gamma": 0.82 } ] },{ } ]; var styledmap = new google.maps.styledmaptype(styles, {name: 'styled map'}); console.log("map styled"); var mapoptions = { center: new google.maps.latlng(lat, lng), zoom: 10, disabledefaultui: true, maptypecontroloptions: { maptypeids: [google.maps.maptypeid.roadmap, 'map_style'] } }; var map = new'map-canvas'), mapoptions); map.maptypes.set('map_style', styledmap); map.setmaptypeid('map_style'); console.log("map set"); $.ajaxsetup({async:false}); console.log("async off"); $.post("./listingdata.php", {func: "size"}, function(data){ numlistings = parseint(data); console.log("data: "+data); }); console.log("start markers"); markcities(); google.maps.event.addlistener(autocomplete, 'place_changed', function() { var place = autocomplete.getplace(); if (!place.geometry) { return; } else{ map.setzoom(13); map.setcenter(this.position); for(var k = 0; k < markers.length; k++){ markers[k].setmap(null); } } // if place has geometry, present on map. if (place.geometry.viewport) { map.fitbounds(place.geometry.viewport); } else { map.setcenter(place.geometry.location); } }); function markcities(){ var coords_obj; var coordinates; for(var = 0; < numlistings; i++){ cities.push(getdb("city",i)); states.push(getdb("state",i)); address = getdb("city", i)+", "+getdb("state", i); geocoder.geocode({address: address}, function(results, status){ coordinates = results[0].geometry.location; var image = new google.maps.markerimage( './maps/logo-marker.png', new google.maps.size(44,64), new google.maps.point(0,0), new google.maps.point(0,-9) ); var marker = new google.maps.marker({ position: coordinates, map: map, icon: './maps/logo-marker.png', id: }); google.maps.event.addlistener(marker, 'click', function() { map.setzoom(13); map.setcenter(this.position); for(var k = 0; k < markers.length; k++){ markers[k].setmap(null); } marklistings(); }); markers.push(marker); }); } } function marklistings(){ for(var = 0; < numlistings; i++){ lat = getdb('lat', i); lng = getdb('lng', i); if(!isnan(lng)){ var image = new google.maps.markerimage( './maps/orange-marker.png', new google.maps.size(22,32), new google.maps.point(0,0), new google.maps.point(0,0) ); var marker = new google.maps.marker({ position: new google.maps.latlng(lat, lng), icon: './maps/logo-marker.png', map: map, id: i, }); google.maps.event.addlistener(marker, 'click', function() { var defaultpic = "../sell/userdata/listingpics/"+getdb('defaultpic',; var template = '<div class="containter" style="height: 100%; width:400px;">'+ '<div class="infobox-header" style="margin: 2px; border-bottom: 1px solid #e6e6e6;">'+ '<strong><h4>'+getdb('name','</h4></strong></div>'+ '<div class="infobox-content" style="margin: 2px; width: 390px; padding: 5px; display:inline-block">'+ '<div class="info-lt-content" style="width: 50%; padding: 5px; display:inline-block">'+ '<img src ='+defaultpic+' onerror ="imgerror(this);" height = 100% width = 100%></a>'+ '</div>'+ '<div class="info-rt-content" style="width: 50%; height:100% padding: 5px; display:inline-block">'+ '<b>asking price:</b> '+getdb('price','<br>'+ '<b>sqft:</b> '+getdb('sqft','<br>'+ '<b>beds:</b> '+getdb('bedrooms','<br>'+ '<b>baths:</b> '+getdb('bathrooms','<br>'+ '</div>'+ '</div>'+ '<div class="infobox-footer" style="margin: 5px; padding: 10px;border-top: 1px solid #e6e6e6;">'+ '<a href = "../property_info/index.php?id='+('"><button type="button" class="btn btn-warning">view full listing</button></a>'+ '</div>'+ '</div>'; infowindow.setcontent(template);, this); }); markers.push(marker); } } } function getdb(val, id){ console.log("getdb"); var r; $.post("../serverscripts/listingdata.php", {func: 'get', val: val, id: id+96}, function(data){ r = data; }); return r; } } google.maps.event.adddomlistener(window, 'load', initialize);
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list data
<?php session_start(); $db = mysql_connect("localhost:3306", "un", "pw*") or die(mysql_error); mysql_select_db('urbanas8_db', $db) or die(mysql_error()); $func = $_post['func']; //retrieves data if($func=="get"){ $id = $_post['id']; $val = $_post['val']; $query = mysql_query("select * properties id='$id'") or die(mysql_error); $rows = mysql_fetch_assoc($query); if($val=="lat"){ echo $rows['lat']; } else if($val=="lng") { echo $rows['lng']; } else if($val=="name") { echo $rows['property_name']; } else if($val=="seller") { echo $rows['seller_email']; } else if($val=="price") { echo $rows['list_price']; } else if($val=="fees") { echo $rows['maintanence_fees']; } else if($val=="streetaddress") { echo $rows['street_address']; } else if($val=="city") { echo $rows['city']; } else if ($val=="state") { echo $rows['state']; } else if ($val=="zip") { echo $rows['zip']; } else if ($val=="county") { echo $rows['county']; } else if ($val=="sqft") { echo $rows['square_feet']; } else if ($val=="yearbuilt") { echo $rows['year_built']; } else if ($val=="propertytype") { echo $rows['property_type']; } else if ($val=="bedrooms") { echo $rows['bedrooms']; } else if ($val=="bathrooms") { echo $rows['bathrooms']; } else if ($val=="parkingtype") { echo $rows['parking_type']; } else if ($val=="description") { echo $rows['description']; } else if ($val=="datelisted") { echo $rows['date_listed']; } else if($val=="defaultpic"){ echo $rows['default_pic']; } else { echo "(listingdata.php 'get') invalid value."; } } //add listing else if($func=="new"){ $a = $_post['property_name']; $b = $_session['user_email']; $c = $_post['list_price']; $cc = $_post['maintanence_fees']; $d = $_post['street_address']; $e = $_post['city']; $f = $_post['state']; $g = $_post['zip']; $h = $_post['county']; $i = $_post['square_feet']; $j = $_post['year_build']; $k = $_post['property_type']; $l = $_post['bedrooms']; $m = $_post['bathrooms']; $n = $_post['parking_type']; $o = urlencode($_post['description']); $p = date("y-m-d"); $q = "defaultpic.jpg"; $r = $_post['lat']; $s = $_post['lng']; $query = mysql_query("insert properties values('', '$a', '$b', '$c', '$cc', '$d', '$e', '$f', '$g', '$h', '$i', '$j', '$k', '$l', '$m', '$n', '$o', '$p', '$q', '$r', '$s')") or die(mysql_error()); $_session['edit_listing'] = mysql_insert_id(); echo $_session['edit_listing']; header("location: ./upload.php"); } //number of listings else if($func=="size"){ $query = mysql_query("select * properties")); $rows = mysql_num_rows($query); echo("test: " + $rows); } ?>
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