requireJS and Google+ Javascript API -
i have been trying while , totally stuck on issue , hope can give me ideas how can solve this. problem here.
i use google javascript api site login. javascript is
define(function (require) { init = function(){ require( [''], function(gapi){ renderbutton(); }); }, renderbutton = function(){ console.log("renderbutton called"); gapi.signin2.render('google-signin', { 'scope': '', 'width': 151, 'height': 25, 'longtitle': true, 'theme': 'dark' }); }, });
when this, returns error message "referenceerror: gapi not defined"
so have tried below no luck.
define(function (require) { init = function(){ require( [''], function(gapi){ renderbutton(gapi); }); }, renderbutton = function(gapi){ console.log("renderbutton called"); gapi.signin2.render('google-signin', { 'scope': '', 'width': 151, 'height': 25, 'longtitle': true, 'theme': 'dark' }); }, });
i set requirejs config this:
window.require = { "shim": { "gapi": { "exports": "gapi" } }, "paths": { "gapi": "" } }
then can do:
require(['gapi'], function (gapi) { gapi.load("", function () { // ..whatever.. }); });
it's...a weird library though. trying signing library , ended needing this
gapi.load('auth2', function () { gapi.auth2.init({ client_id: google_sign_in_client_id }); gapi.load('signin2', function () { gapi.signin2.render('g-signin', options); }); });
so may want set 'google-signin' loader. requirejs loader plugins. this:
define('gapi', { load: function (name, req, onload, config) { //req has same api require(). req(['gapi'], function (gapi) { gapi.load(name, function () { onload(gapi[name]); }); }); } });
and can just:
require(['gapi!auth2', 'gapi!signin2'], function (auth2, signin2) { auth2.init({client_id: clientid}); signin2.render(...); });
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