sql - Coldfusion - Comma delimiter with comma inside value -

i building list using sql data , trying make each value of list as: 'value1',value2','value,4' , on. problem using code:

(     select count(ns.ticket)     ns_trade ns     ns.[login]=mt.[login]         ,          <cfif qgetcommentsaccounting.recordcount gt 0>              ns.comment in ('#listchangedelims(qgetcommentsaccounting.list_comments, "','")#')         <cfelse>             1=2         </cfif> )as no_of_tickets_accounting 

which works perfect except when value has comma inside 'value,4'. suggestions how solve that?

if both queries work on same database, way more kiss put them together. usually, should try as possible within database.

select      count(ns.ticket)      ns_trade ns      ns.[login] = mt.[login] ,      ns.comment in          (         select              comment                      tbl_comment                       report_type = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.type#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar">         ,              report_id = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.report_id#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer">         ) 


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