How to create different view for different exception laravel 5? -
i want set different view blade template different exception , pass errors on following page. tried out following code it's not working. goes else portion of code , run parent::render($request, $e);
public function render($request, exception $e) { if ($this->ishttpexception($e)) { if($e instanceof invalidargumentexception) { return response()->view('front.missing', [], 404); }elseif($e instanceof errorexception){ return response()->view('front.missing2', [], 404); } return $this->renderhttpexception($e); }else{ if($e instanceof invalidargumentexception) { return response()->view('errors.204', []); } return parent::render($request, $e); } }
where problem here , now?
invalidargumentexception not child class of httpexception, goes else portion.
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