boost - R BH package not showing "asio" directory -

after installing bh package, including following in .cpp file:

#include <rcpp.h>  #include <boost/asio/ip/address_v4.hpp> 

sourcing cpp file sourcecpp(".cpp file") giving :

fatal error: boost/asio/ip/address_v4.hpp: no such file or directory compilation terminated.

in bh/boost directory there no asio directory.

we never said boost asio part of bh. quoting the description highlighting in italics below:

description: boost provides free peer-reviewed portable c++ source libraries. a large part of boost provided c++ template code resolved entirely @ compile-time without linking. package aims provide useful subset of boost libraries template use among cran package. placing these libraries in package, offer more efficient distribution system cran replication of code in sources of other packages is

asio, thread, ... , few others require linking , can never part of bh.


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