ios - how to save one name string and two different length array of email and phone no -
as guess simple , basic question.
i using #import <addressbook/addressbook.h>
contact info of device , had implemented same.
everythings work fine when got 1 phone no , 1 email each contact. when got multiple phone no's , multiple email getting crash on app. guess not using proper saving method.
so want know how save 1 name string , 1 array of email(different length) , phone no(different length) group contact , same other. not difficult reproduce result later on detail screen
cferrorref *error = null; abaddressbookref addressbook = abaddressbookcreatewithoptions(null, error); cfarrayref allpeople = abaddressbookcopyarrayofallpeople(addressbook); cfindex numberofpeople = abaddressbookgetpersoncount(addressbook); for(int = 0; < numberofpeople; i++) { abrecordref person = cfarraygetvalueatindex( allpeople, ); nsstring *firstname = (__bridge nsstring *)(abrecordcopyvalue(person, kabpersonfirstnameproperty)); nsstring *lastname = (__bridge nsstring *)(abrecordcopyvalue(person, kabpersonlastnameproperty)); [values1 addobject:[nsstring stringwithformat:@"%@ %@",firstname,lastname]]; //values1 array save name of contact abmultivalueref emails = abrecordcopyvalue(person, kabpersonemailproperty); (cfindex j=0; j < abmultivaluegetcount(emails); j++) { nsstring* email = (__bridge nsstring*)abmultivaluecopyvalueatindex(emails, j); nslog(@"email:%@", email); [values2 addobject:[nsstring stringwithformat:@"%@",email]]; } //values2 array save email associated contact abmultivalueref phonenumbers = abrecordcopyvalue(person, kabpersonphoneproperty); (cfindex = 0; < abmultivaluegetcount(phonenumbers); i++) { nsstring *phonenumber = (__bridge_transfer nsstring *) abmultivaluecopyvalueatindex(phonenumbers, i); nslog(@"phone:%@", phonenumber); [values3 addobject:[nsstring stringwithformat:@"%@",phonenumber]]; }//values3 array save different phone no's associated contacts nsdictionary *dict = [[nsdictionary alloc]init]; }
as have 3 array details contain details of 1 contact. how can merge these 3 array values 1 easy save , fetch data multiples or hundreds of contacts
abaddressbookref allpeople = abaddressbookcreate(); cfarrayref allcontacts = abaddressbookcopyarrayofallpeople(allpeople); cfindex numberofcontacts = abaddressbookgetpersoncount(allpeople); nslog(@"numberofcontacts------------------------------------%ld",numberofcontacts); for(int = 0; < numberofcontacts; i++){ nsstring* name = @""; nsstring* phone = @""; nsstring* email = @""; abrecordref aperson = cfarraygetvalueatindex(allcontacts, i); abmultivalueref fnameproperty = abrecordcopyvalue(aperson, kabpersonfirstnameproperty); abmultivalueref lnameproperty = abrecordcopyvalue(aperson, kabpersonlastnameproperty); abmultivalueref phoneproperty = abrecordcopyvalue(aperson, kabpersonphoneproperty);\ abmultivalueref emailproperty = abrecordcopyvalue(aperson, kabpersonemailproperty); nsarray *emailarray = (__bridge nsarray *)abmultivaluecopyarrayofallvalues(emailproperty); nsarray *phonearray = (__bridge nsarray *)abmultivaluecopyarrayofallvalues(phoneproperty); if (fnameproperty != nil) { name = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"%@", fnameproperty]; } if (lnameproperty != nil) { name = [name stringbyappendingstring:[nsstring stringwithformat:@" %@", lnameproperty]]; } if ([phonearray count] > 0) { if ([phonearray count] > 1) { (int = 0; < [phonearray count]; i++) { phone = [phone stringbyappendingstring:[nsstring stringwithformat:@"%@\n", [phonearray objectatindex:i]]]; } }else { phone = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"%@", [phonearray objectatindex:0]]; } } if ([emailarray count] > 0) { if ([emailarray count] > 1) { (int = 0; < [emailarray count]; i++) { email = [email stringbyappendingstring:[nsstring stringwithformat:@"%@\n", [emailarray objectatindex:i]]]; } }else { email = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"%@", [emailarray objectatindex:0]]; } } nslog(@"name : %@",name); nslog(@"phone: %@",phone); nslog(@"email: %@",email); nslog(@"\n"); }
you can see multiple contact , email in log if contact have.
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