r - How to suppress message of package leaflet? -

i using 'leaflet' package r-studio plot geo-data. creating rmarkdown file same.

everything works fine. following message in beginning in rmarkdown output file:

assuming 'lng' , 'lat' longitude , latitude, respectively

i have tried best suppress message, no success far. it's not harmful irritating!!! the code:

`{r, echo=false, warning=false} options(warn=-1)  long = runif(40, -87, -80)  lat = runif(40, 25, 42)  m = leaflet() %>% addtiles()  df = data.frame( lng=long, lat=lat,size = runif(40, 5, 20), color = sample(colors(), 40))  m = leaflet(df) %>% addtiles()  m %>% addcirclemarkers(radius = runif(40, 4, 10), color = c('red','blue','green'))` 

you want message option in chunk header, e.g.

```{r, echo=false, warning=false, message=false}  


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