java - Using Jersey to get a CSRF token through REST and use it in a login -
using jersey 2.19, how csrf token server uses spring security 3 , make successful login? have 2 projects, client uses rest, , server created using jhipster.
first, i'm making request http://localhost:8080 , i'm getting response headers:
cache-control:no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate content-language:en content-length:17229 content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8 date:tue, 21 jul 2015 19:24:40 gmt expires:0 last-modified:thu, 02 jul 2015 17:07:31 gmt pragma:no-cache server:apache-coyote/1.1 set-cookie:csrf-token=0902449b-bac7-43e8-bf24-9ec2c1faa48b; path=/ x-application-context:application:dev:8081 x-content-type-options:nosniff x-xss-protection:1; mode=block
i extract set-cookie header , csrf token there. i'm making post request way:
with request headers:
content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded x-csrf-token: <extracted token>
using chrome's plugin postman, can make correct post request login, jersey, i'm unable send correctly csrf token (i 403 response).
this response:
{"timestamp":1437507680089,"status":403,"error":"forbidden","message":"expected csrf token not found. has session expired?","path":"/api/authentication"}
this jersey code:
webtarget hosttarget = getclient().target("http://localhost:8080"); response r = hosttarget.request().get(); string header = r.getheaderstring("set-cookie"); string csrf = null; list<httpcookie> cookies = httpcookie.parse(header); (httpcookie c : cookies) { if("csrf-token".equals(c.getname())){ csrf = c.getvalue(); break; } } webtarget logintarget = hosttarget.path("/api/authentication"); logintarget = logintarget.queryparam("j_username", username) .queryparam("j_password", password) .queryparam("submit", "login"); builder req = logintarget.request(mediatype.application_json_type); if (csrf != null) { req = req.header("x-csrf-token", csrf); } response cr =, mediatype.application_form_urlencoded_type)); system.out.println("response: " + cr.readentity(string.class));
thanks time.
after trial , error, found solution. important take in count cookies (as indicated roman vottner) rest configuration communicate spring security. important cookie must present jsessionid , header x-csrf-token (or whatever header name configured in server), capture them in initial request , send them again.
i've decided send cookies server in way.
webtarget hosttarget = getclient().target("http://localhost:8080"); response r = hosttarget.request().get(); string headercookies = r.getheaderstring("set-cookie"); map<string, newcookie> cookies = r.getcookies(); string csrf = cookies.get("csrf-token").getvalue(); webtarget logintarget = hosttarget.path("/api/authentication"); logintarget = logintarget.queryparam("j_username", username) .queryparam("j_password", password) .queryparam("submit", "login"); builder req = logintarget.request(mediatype.application_json_type); req = req.header("cookie", headercookies); if (csrf != null) { req = req.header("x-csrf-token", csrf); } response cr =, mediatype.application_form_urlencoded_type)); //the response empty (in case) status code 200 system.out.println("response: " + cr.readentity(string.class));
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