ios - How to hide Navigation and Status Bars when tapped - with animation -

i'm trying hide status bar , navigation bar when view tapped. found works previous question, problem there no animation when hiding bars. disappears.

here current code in view controller:

override func viewdidload() {     super.viewdidload()     self.navigationcontroller?.hidesbarsontap = true } override func prefersstatusbarhidden() -> bool {     if self.navigationcontroller?.navigationbarhidden == true {         return true     }     else     {         return false     } } 

when tap again, animation works when 2 bars coming on screen.

if don't include overrided prefersstatusbarhidden function, can navigation bar hide desired sliding animation. status bar still there.

any suggestions? swift 2 have new method can work?


var statusbarhidden = false        func tapaction() {     self.navigationcontroller?.navigationbarhidden = true      self.statusbarhidden = true         self.setneedsstatusbarappearanceupdate()         }       override  func prefersstatusbarhidden() -> bool {             return  statusbarhidden         } 


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