ios - How can I call a function from an existing View Controller class? -
i'm still stage swift developer. i'm trying create feature click button on screen, prompted iphone allow location, , when click allow, automatically navigated screen.
so far i've done following things:
- created seperate class ("user") location functions handled
- setup button on first view controller , appropiate ibaction calls location prompt function "user"
- added storyboard ids first , second view controller
- created function ("changescreen") in first view controller class performs navigation view
- setup listener in "user" class when user has clicked allow location, calls "changescreen" function
i think there's way (call sort of completion handler) , toyed around 1-2 hours , nothing worked. far solution has worked following error:
warning: attempt present ____ on _____ view not in window hierarchy!
here's code in "user" class
class user: nsobject, cllocationmanagerdelegate { func getlocation(){ // use in foreground locationmanager.requestwheninuseauthorization() locationmanager.delegate = self locationmanager.desiredaccuracy = kcllocationaccuracybest locationmanager.requestwheninuseauthorization() //locationmanager.startupdatinglocation() println("hello location") } func locationmanager(manager: cllocationmanager, didchangeauthorizationstatus status:clauthorizationstatus){ if status == .authorizedwheninuse { locationmanager.startupdatinglocation() firstview!.showsecondscreen() // call other class's function } } }
here's code in first view controller class
var firstview: firstview? = nil class firstview: uiviewcontroller { var newuser = user() override func viewdidappear(animated: bool) { firstview = self.storyboard!.instantiateviewcontrollerwithidentifier("firstview") as? firstview // here take first view controller class , store public variable } @ibaction func allowlocationbtn(sender: anyobject) { newuser.getlocation() // first button clicked } func showsecondscreen(){ let secondscreen = self.storyboard!.instantiateviewcontrollerwithidentifier("secondscreen") as! secondscreen self.presentviewcontroller(secondscreen, animated: true, completion: nil ) }
ps. know can combine code 1 class, , work that. want "proper" way, have different functionalities in different classes.
- try set
first = self
, dont instantiate new view-controller - if using storyboard, better use segues display screen
though correct thing here have userdelegate
protocol userdelegate { func displayotherscreen( ) }
then in user
add var delegate: userdelegate?
, in locationmanager
function instead of calling firstview!.showsecondscreen
call delegate?.displayotherscreen( )
then make firstview adopt userdelegate protocol
class firstview: uiviewcontroller, userdelegate { var newuser = user() override func viewdidappear(animated: bool) { newuser.delegate = self ... } ... ... func displayotherscreen( ) { showsecondsceen( ) }
now there no need first variable..
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