objective c - Non-screenview events with Google Tag Manager on iOS -
we're trying use gtm on ios track non-screenview events using data layer , cannot work. first, here's our call gtm:
nslog(@"voted!"); nslog(@"question: %@, answer: %@",self.question.question,selectedanswer.answer); [[atitracking instance] trackeventwithtagmanager:@"didvote" parameters:@{@"questionvalue":self.question.question,@"votevalue":selectedanswer.answer}];
we have 2 data layer variables set in gtm questionvalue , votevalue. see: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jru5a06vs1bfmm3/variables.jpg?dl=0
and here's our trigger event set didvote: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0ydxml4yemji2f5/trigger.jpg?dl=0
and our event tag uses trigger above (cannot post link due rep limit.)
has seen non-screenview event tracked in ios using gtm? in advance.
events working me no problems. modified code gtm ios sdk example
-(void) logevent:(nsstring*) event withproperties:(nsdictionary*) properties { nsmutabledictionary* eventproperties = [nsmutabledictionary dictionarywithdictionary:@{@"event": @"customevent",@"eventcategory":@"user action",@"eventname":event}]; if (properties) { [eventproperties addentriesfromdictionary:properties]; } tagdatalayer* datalayer = self.tagmanager.datalayer; [datalayer push:eventproperties]; }
based on gtm documentation https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/protocol/v1/parameters#events event category , event action must not empty. didn't see events in ga until configured these parameters in tag , started pushing them client. hope helps.
please see attached screenshot of tag:
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