jquery - CSS transitions and javascript -
here's situation: i've got hidden popup, want show on click javascript , animate css transition.
what i've noticed if popup handler looks 1 below has no transition - flashes in immediately.
$('.popup-link').on('click', function(){ $('.popup').show().addclass('popup-visible'); });
but if add timeout - doesnt matter 1 ms or 1000 ms it's good.
$('.popup-link').on('click', function(){ $('.popup').show(); /* if don't use timeout has no transition */ window.settimeout(function(){ $('.popup').addclass('popup-visible'); },1) });
jsfiddle link here: https://jsfiddle.net/ueggj9hu/
so i've got 2 questions here: why happening , okay use method or there cleaner way?
edit: don't take jquery animate function 'cleaner' way because slower css animation.
fiddle url: https://jsfiddle.net/ueggj9hu/1/
this work (without need of timer function) adjust time needs want show in middle:
$('.popup-link').on('click', function(){ $('.popup').show().animate({ top: "50%", margintop: "-100px", opacity: 1 },2000); });
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