Delphi XE8: TEdit TextHint Disappears When Receiving Focus -
basically, want texthint of tedits disappear when first character entered , not when receive focus, edits on microsoft page: sign in microsoft account. can please walk me through on how achieve this?
thank in advance.
based on uwe raabe's answer, here procedure (for delphi 2007, should work newer versions of delphi well):
type tcuebannerhideenum = (cbhhideonfocus, cbhhideontext); procedure tedit_setcuebanner(_ed: tedit; const _s: widestring; _whentohide: tcuebannerhideenum = cbhhideonfocus); const em_setcuebanner = $1501; var wparam: integer; begin case _whentohide of cbhhideontext: wparam := 1; else // cbhhideonfocus: ; wparam := 0; end; sendmessage(_ed.handle, em_setcuebanner, wparam, integer(pwidechar(_s))); end;
you call this:
constructor tform1.create(_owner: tcomponent); begin inherited; tedit_setcuebanner(ed_hideonfocus, 'hide on focus', cbhhideonfocus); tedit_setcuebanner(ed_hideontext, 'hide on text', cbhhideontext); end;
it doesn't check windows version though, might want add if statement uwe provided:
if checkwin32version(5, 1) , styleservices.enabled , _ed.handleallocated
i tested project disabled runtime theming: didn't work.
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