Mulesoft salesforce connector getting subquery of commentcase does not display -

i creating new project reads data salesforce , pushes data google search appliance (gsa). in salesforce soql statement, have query gets comments case. when use salesforce workbench, able see casebody casecomment case. when use datamapper in mule, casecomment.commentbody not display. there way log file or on console salesforce getting back? tried map casecomment list, still no luck. there way see that salesforce connector returning?

here soql:

select id, lastmodifieddate, casenumber, subject, internalsubject__c, description,   isclosed, poc__r.firstname, poc__r.lastname, owner.firstname, owner.lastname,   informationfrom__c, contact.firstname, contact.lastname,,   productname__c, productversion__c, productproblemtype__c,,,,,   createdby.firstname, createdby.lastname,   lastmodifiedby.firstname, lastmodifiedby.lastname,   (select commentbody casecomments),   (select subject, description tasks),   (select subject, headers, textbody emailmessages) case limit 5 

here answer:

on input side of equation (left side of datamapper), right click on top level case, click on add field.
in type, select collection drop down.
in name, type casecomments (don't press enter yet or won't able add child elements).
click plus on child elements:
change field_0 querylocator of type string. (remember press enter after typing in querylocator or else name falls field_0).
click plus again , type in done (remember press enter) of type string.
click plus again , type in size , select type integer.
right click on casecomments, , add field again.
type collection
name records (don't press enter yet, click plus on child elements)
replace field_0 commentbody of type string (remember press enter)
replace field_1 type of type string (press enter)
same right hand side of data mapper
remember don't need @ top field, when click plus on right side, add metadata field, not add field.
need map casecomments left side right side.
not done yet. mapping top field not automatically map fields underneath (needs improvement!)
need map records left side right side also.


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