ios - lldb - Couldn't resolve the class for an Objective-C static method call -

what's wrong lldb? doing many times not work. (xcode 6.4 , xcode 7.0-beta)

(lldb) po [uiapplication sharedapplication] error [irfortarget]: couldn't resolve class objective-c static method call error: 0 errors parsing expression error: expression not prepared run in target  (lldb) p @[@"", @""] error [irfortarget]: couldn't resolve class objective-c static method call error: 0 errors parsing expression error: expression not prepared run in target  (lldb) po @[@"", @""] error [irfortarget]: couldn't resolve class objective-c static method call error: 0 errors parsing expression error: expression not prepared run in target  (lldb) e id $a = @[@"11"] error [irfortarget]: couldn't resolve class objective-c static method call error: 0 errors parsing expression error: expression not prepared run in target 


maybe problem ipod touch on ios 9.0 beta on mine colleague's ipad ios 8.4 work well. problem has been solved.


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