Saving video from Android camera as local .mjpeg file -

i working on application save video .mpeg file on android devices. have been working vanevery's mjpeg project on github modest success, (

here code far:

public class videocapture extends activity implements onclicklistener,    surfaceholder.callback, camera.previewcallback {   public static final string logtag = "videocapture"; string szboundarystart = "\r\n\r\n--myboundary\r\ncontent-type: image/jpeg\r\ncontent-length: "; string szboundarydeltatime = "\r\ndelta-time: 110"; string szboundaryend = "\r\n\r\n";   private surfaceholder holder; private camera camera;   private camcorderprofile camcorderprofile; boolean brecording = false; boolean bpreviewrunning = false; byte[] previewcallbackbuffer; file mjpegfile; fileoutputstream fos; bufferedoutputstream bos; button btnrecord; camera.parameters p;  @override public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {     super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);     date t = new date();     simpledateformat sdf = new simpledateformat("yyyymmddhhmmss");     string szfilename = "videocapture-"+sdf.format(t)+"-";           try {                mjpegfile = file.createtempfile(szfilename, ".mjpeg", environment.getexternalstoragedirectory());                    } catch (exception e) {         log.v(logtag,e.getmessage());         finish();     }     requestwindowfeature(window.feature_no_title);     getwindow().setflags(windowmanager.layoutparams.flag_fullscreen,             windowmanager.layoutparams.flag_fullscreen);     setrequestedorientation(activityinfo.screen_orientation_landscape);     setcontentview(r.layout.main);     btnrecord = (button) this.findviewbyid(;     btnrecord.setonclicklistener(this);     camcorderprofile = camcorderprofile.get(camcorderprofile.quality_high);     surfaceview cameraview = (surfaceview) findviewbyid(;     holder = cameraview.getholder();     holder.addcallback(this);     holder.settype(surfaceholder.surface_type_push_buffers);     cameraview.setclickable(true);     cameraview.setonclicklistener(this); } public void onclick(view v) {     if (brecording) {         brecording = false;         try {             bos.flush();             bos.close();         } catch (ioexception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         }         log.v(logtag, "recording stopped");     } else {         try {             fos = new fileoutputstream(mjpegfile);             bos = new bufferedoutputstream(fos);             brecording = true;             log.v(logtag, "recording started");         } catch (filenotfoundexception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         }     } } public void surfacecreated(surfaceholder holder) {     log.v(logtag, "surfacecreated");             camera =;      } public void surfacechanged(surfaceholder holder, int format, int width, int height) {     log.v(logtag, "surfacechanged");     if (!brecording) {         if (bpreviewrunning){             camera.stoppreview();         } try {             p = camera.getparameters();             p.setpreviewsize(camcorderprofile.videoframewidth, camcorderprofile.videoframeheight);             p.setpreviewframerate(camcorderprofile.videoframerate);             camera.setparameters(p);             camera.setpreviewdisplay(holder);             camera.setpreviewcallback(this);             log.v(logtag,"startpreview");             camera.startpreview();             bpreviewrunning = true;         } catch (ioexception e) {             log.e(logtag,e.getmessage());             e.printstacktrace();         }        } } public void surfacedestroyed(surfaceholder holder) {     log.v(logtag, "surfacedestroyed");     if (brecording) {         brecording = false;         try {             bos.flush();             bos.close();         } catch (ioexception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         }     }     bpreviewrunning = false;     camera.release();     finish(); } public void onpreviewframe(byte[] b, camera c) {     if (brecording) {         // assuming imageformat.nv21         if (p.getpreviewformat() == imageformat.nv21) {             log.v(logtag,"started writing frame");             try {                 bytearrayoutputstream jpegbytearrayoutputstream = new bytearrayoutputstream();                 yuvimage im = new yuvimage(b, imageformat.nv21, p.getpreviewsize().width, p.getpreviewsize().height, null);                 rect r = new rect(0,0,p.getpreviewsize().width,p.getpreviewsize().height);                 im.compresstojpeg(r, 5, jpegbytearrayoutputstream);                                          byte[] jpegbytearray = jpegbytearrayoutputstream.tobytearray();                 byte[] boundarybytes = (szboundarystart + jpegbytearray.length + szboundarydeltatime + szboundaryend).getbytes();                 bos.write(boundarybytes);                 bos.write(jpegbytearray);                 bos.flush();             } catch (ioexception e) {                 e.printstacktrace();             }             log.v(logtag,"finished writing frame");         } else {             log.v(logtag,"not right format");         }     } } @override public void onconfigurationchanged(configuration conf)  {     super.onconfigurationchanged(conf);   }    } 

i suspect problem may in jpeg formatting (parsing) in onpreviewframe(). or advice highly appreciated. in advance.

it appears there threshold regards jpeg quality required mjpeg file play. changing,

im.compresstojpeg(r, 5, jpegbytearrayoutputstream);  


im.compresstojpeg(r, 75, jpegbytearrayoutputstream);  

results in valid mjpeg file.


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