Including *.so files with gradle and Android Studio 1.2.2 -
can guide me on correct placement of *.so files supposed housed gradle/android project?
i have them in:
and assets, java, , res folders siblings in main don't seem included when apk built causing 'unsatisfiedlinkerror'
i have looked at:
include .so library in apk in android studio
and have tried changing director both libs , lib no luck.
update 1
- the apk de-compiled shows *.so files under /lib , have them under project -> app -> src -> main -> jnilibs -> armeabi , architecture but getting unsatisfiedlinkerror when calling method within native library although seems past system.loadlibrary call in static constructor without showing error
*.so files included , shown in decompiled apk now...hitting issue posted here: unsatisfiedlinkerror when calling method native library although system.loadlibrary seems ok
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