Batch File compare 3 Strings in a row, multiple strings -

i want check condition, if 2 files' modified dates have been updated system's date, trigger something. code works, except %dateonly%==%systemdate%==%ziponly% , part has issue, right format compare 3 strings in batch? or there way separate them? all!!

@echo off     /f "tokens=1,2,3,4 delims=. " %%i in ('date /t') set systemdate=%%k%%j     echo %systemdate% system date     pause       %%a in (d:\myfile.txt) set filedate=%%~ta     set dateonly=%filedate:~0,10%     echo %dateonly% modified date     pause       %%a in (d:\daildn.txt) set zipdate=%%~ta     set ziponly=%zipdate:~0,10%     echo %ziponly%  modified date     pause      :check     if %dateonly%==%systemdate%==%ziponly% (     start c:\dailyrun.bat     ) else (     cls     echo     please waiting files ready      timeout /t 10 /nobreak     goto :check     ) 


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