ruby - How to get values in show action in rails controller -

i have access parameters in nested attributes..... below code.

<%= link_to "invoice", user_invoice_path(@user, invoice) %> 

how access user , invoice in invoice controller show action.

def show   @user = user.find(params[:user_id])   @invoice = invoice.find(params[:id]) end  

user model:

class user < activerecord::base   has_many :invoices end 

invoice model:

class invoice < activerecord::base   belongs_to :user end 

i know how works when not nested.... can anyone, please help?

if understand correctly, can't find @user or @invoice in way.

please debug show action , find params follows,

{"action"=>"show", "controller"=>"invoices", "user_id"=>"307", "id"=>"359"}

so write show action like,

def show   @invoice = invoice.find(params[:id])   @user = user.find(params[:user_id]) end 

there may better ways find objects in controller action. basic approach have consider instead of tried.


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