java - Assert Specify Text Present or not -
i need verify whether specific banner present or not , tried storing src value of image , comparing , not able ,
also related text change banner name uploaded same , need assert store value .
here code
public void testssssss() throws exception { driver.get(baseurl + "/?country=us"); string storze = driver.findelement(by.cssselector("img[alt=\"website banner\"]")).getattribute("outerhtml"); system.out.println(storze); assertequals(storze, storze.contains("bannerbanner-2015-summersplashout_affbanners-664x272-881.gif")); }
value store in storze :
img src="/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/bannername-2015-summersplashout_affbanners-664x272-88.gif" alt="bannerbanner" height="289" width="677"
i need check text "bannername-2015-summersplashout_affbanners-664x272-88.gif
not able automate.code appreciated .
from question come know want assert storz value banner name, if case should try :
boolean flag = false; if (storz .contains("bannerbanner-2015-summersplashout_affbanners-664x272-881.gif")) { flag = true; } assert.assertequals(flag, true);
and noticed asserting boolean value string.
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