ExtJS -- how to render an html element -
i have image , when clicked want show html ( div text , buttons). know can use html config in window or panel possible show element without being encapsulated in component?
here code image , click handler:
{ xtype:"image", src:"/blah/helpicon.png", listeners:{ render: function (c) { c.getel().on('click', function(e) { //show html here, targeted on image icon }, c); }
} }
here html want show. fancy tooltip, thats all. , since tooltip dont want encapsulate in window:
<div id="test" class="hopscotch-bubble-container" style="width: 280px; padding: 15px;"><span class="hopscotch-bubble-number">1</span> <div class="hopscotch-bubble-content"><h3 class="hopscotch-title">step 1</h3> <div class="hopscotch-content">step 1 instructions here.</div> </div> <div class="hopscotch-actions"> <button id="hopscotch-prev" class="hopscotch-nav-button prev hide">back</button> <a class="hopscotch-bubble-close" href="#" title="close">close</a> </div>
how making own component custom html?
ext.define('mycomponent', { extend: 'ext.component', cls: 'hopscotch-bubble-container', width: 280, padding: 15, id: 'test', html: [ '<span class="hopscotch-bubble-number">1</span>', '<div class="hopscotch-bubble-content"><h3 class="hopscotch-title">step 1</h3>', '<div class="hopscotch-content">step 1 instructions here.</div>', '</div>', '<div class="hopscotch-actions">', '<button id="hopscotch-prev" class="hopscotch-nav-button prev hide">back</button>', '<a class="hopscotch-bubble-close" href="#" title="close">close</a>' ] });
by default component
use div
render element, applying outer html attributes component (cls, width, padding, , id) generate outer div correctly. inner html passed through html
config. can manage component without having deal html elements directly.
here fiddle overly simple example of adding new component container.
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